
Abbreviations, Full Forms, Acronyms

Often, people mess up the meaning of the words 'abbreviation' and 'full form' and use them interchangeably. This can't be attributed to grammar mistake, it's totally a change of meaning. It's like using 'boy' in place of 'girl'. Abbreviation: It's the shortened form of any word or a phrase.  Full form: Self-explanatory.  Acronym : An abbreviation or short form pronounced as a single word. Real incident in an Electronic and Communication Class : Teacher : Class, what is the abbreviation of LTE? .......... Silence Prevails ...... Student 1 : Long Term Efficiency. Little Wizard( thinking ) : Neither the question nor the answer is correct 🙄 Teacher : Arun, I thought you would answer.  Little Wizard : I know mam, it's Long Term Evolution.  Teacher : Good! Now it's clear about the difference. Here, you are gonna be provided with some full forms of the abbreviations which are quite basic and must-know. Mobile/Communication/N...

Operation Kabaddi : Indian Army's Unexecuted Mission

Hi Peeps!!! This is Boopathy.                           On 2001, in the month of June a meeting was held at Chief of Army Staff's office, New Delhi, among Gen. Sundarajan Padmanabhan, then Army Chief; Lt. Gen. Rostum K. Nanavatty, General Officer Commanding - in - Chief, Northern Command and Lt. Gen. Gurbaksh Singh Sihota, Director General of Military operations. In such long meeting, those 3 senior officers discussed about the Increasing Infiltration and the Pathetic Situation of L.O.C. Then they planned for an operation and encoded it as "Operation Kabaddi".              The Main objective of this operation is to tackle the infiltration of Pakistani Militants and to change the Geography of LOC. Ah! Such a brave plan!!!              The origin of this offensive operation was from the success of previous year's operations acros...

Torrents Explained

You might have used Torrents to download large movies or a set of files. Sometimes you must have ended up downloading a file in few KBs and wondered if it was a movie! This is to make it clear about the Torrents and their process.  Torrents are simply a way to distribute files. Now to understand what are seeders and leechers , first let’s take a look at a simpler method of sharing files — Hyper Text Transfer Protocol i.e. HTTP. HTTP is used when you download files from a website using your web browser, or something like Internet Download Manager. (For example, when you download some Software, or drivers from manufacturer’s website, it’s usually done via HTTP). How HTTP works is pretty simple.  Let’s say Adobe wants to distribute a 30-day latest trial version of Photoshop. They buy a computer, connect it to the Internet, place a copy of the Office image on its hard drive, and configure some software (like Apache web server or Microsoft IIS) to allow people to downl...

NCC's Evolution

Hai Peeps !!! This is Boopathy.              Most of us have some knowledge about NCC. Few of us have some experience in it. But many of us doesn't know the history behind it.               National Cadet Corps is a crew of Young persons related to Armed Forces with its Headquarters at New Delhi. Those persons are trained on grounds of Discipline and Leadership. It's Motto is " Unity and Discipline " ( Ekta aur Anushasan ).              It was evolved from the National Cadet Corps Act, 1948 which was enacted on April 16, 1948. It was enacted in order to compensate the shortage in Indian Army.                       In 1942, British Government established University Officers Training Corps ( UOTC ) in order to develop the Military forces. During the World War II, the UOTC did not fulfill the expe...

NavIC : The Indian version GPS

Hi Peeps !!!  This is Boopathy .              The Indian Regional Navigation System is officially called as NavIC , which stands for Navigation with Indian Constellation. It is an independent and autonomous regional navigation system which has been designed by Indian Space Research Organization to provide accurate positioning in India. This Regional Geo-positioning system not only covers the country, also it extends 15,000 km around the Indian Boundaries. It aims to provide most accurate and precise location service to the Users.                                                        In 1999, During the Kargil war, the Pakistani troops entered into India, the primary thing sought by Indian Military was the space based Global Positioning System of America. But they denied it. This bitter experie...

Clearing the Clutter: India's States and Union Territories

From the formation of Andhra Pradesh as the first State of India in 1956 on a linguistic basis through the abrogation of Article 370 of the Indian Constitution which led to the creation of 2 new Union Territories of J&K and Ladhak to the unification of the UTs of Daman & Diu and Dadar & Nagar haveli, we might haven't been watching them so closely and are not sure about their numbers. Quite confusing, right! This is to clear the clutter on it.  Here are some interesting facts about Indian states and Union Territories with their capitals.  India, a union of states, is a sovereign, secular, democratic, republic with a parliamentary system of government. The President is the constitutional head of Executive of the Union. In the states, the Governor, as the representative of the President, is the head of Executive. The system of government in states closely resembles that of the Union. There are __ states and __ Union Territories in the country....