
Showing posts with the label Secularism

One Nation, One Law : Uniform Civil Code

Hi Peeps!!! This is Boopathy.             Our India is a diverse country with various religions and ethnicity living within its borders. Being a secular country, the laws should be equal for all citizens irrespective of religion, caste or gender.             A Uniform Civil Code (UCC) is a single law, applicable to all citizens of India in their personal matters such as inheritance, marriage, divorce, adoption and custody. It aims to provide a common law, by replacing the fragmented personal laws of different religion.             It is defined in Part-IV of Indian Constitution as Directive Principles of State Policy under Article-44 , " The state shall endeavour to secure for the citizens a uniform civil code throughout the territory of India".             Article-37 of Indian Constitution briefs that the DPSP is not enforceable by court. But courts...