
Showing posts with the label Research

Secrets and Significance of Dreams

Hi Peeps !!! This is Boopathy...              Classroom : Are you day dreaming?.. ... Office : It's my dream project ..... Criticism : It won't happen even in your dreams.. . Love: She is my dream girl!!! Life:  Work hard till your dreams come true. Greetings: Good night Sweet dreams.              What's meant by "Dream" ? Why the hell it's been used everywhere??              Okay. Let's sail into the dreams.😇😇😇             Dream is an imaginary event or visionary scheme seen in the mind while sleeping.             Sleep is broadly classified into 2 stages, REM (Rapid eye movement) and Non-REM. The Non-REM refers to deep sleep whereas REM stage is closer to wakefulness. In other words, it is the particular duration before we wake up from the sleep. At this stage alone most of the dream...