
Showing posts with the label Economics

Covid-19 Vaccines - To put an end to this pandemic.

Hi Peeps!!! This is Boopathy...             These days,  a novel coronavirus called SARS-CoV-2 has resulted in the outbreak of a respiratory illness known as COVID-19. It took away many people lives irrespective of their ages. And it's spell goes on increasing day by day rapidly. Many medical teams, pharmaceutical groups and scientists are striving to control it. And it still remains a nightmare for everyone of us. But, we got some progress in fighting against it. Now, many countries have made their contributions to stop it's rage.             Over 140 vaccines are under pre-clinical trials in which the vaccines will be given to animals such as mice and monkeys. 19 in Phase 1 i.e. safety trials in which the vaccine would be given to small number of people to test safety and dosage as well as stimulation of immune system. 13 in the Phase 2 i.e. expanded trials in which the vaccine will be given to hu...

Canons of Taxation

Hello! Everyone. This is Boopathy.       Tax is a compulsory payment made by a person or firm to a government, without reference to any benefit the payer may derive from the government. It is entirely different from fee and fine.But these taxation should not violate any provision of Indian constitution especially Fundamental Rights.           The objective of taxation is not only to regulate the revenue but also for Economic development, price stability, Reduction in inequality, etc.             There were approximately 9 canons in taxation out of which 4 canons by Adam Smith, an 18th century philosopher also known as "Father of Modern Economics"  are very important in proper taxation. 1. CANON OF EQUALITY:[சமத்துவ கட்டளை, एकता का नियम]                           Canon of equality states that the burden of taxati...

How Currency value changes???

HOW THE CURRENCY VALUE CHANGES? Please go through the below simple Economics,  which will give a good idea on why Taxes are more important not only for Government but also how beneficial to its  citizens, indirectly! A Government should invariably need GOLD to run the country for their day to day business!   Since the Gold cannot be pumped into market, it chose to use the Notes/Currency  instead! And printing  the notes/currency  is done under the watchful eye of the IMF ( International Monetary Fund).  A Govt. cannot print notes left & right! It has to be approved by IMF, however it can print any denomination of notes but it should be equivalent to the total weight of the  Gold,  the Government owns. Let us compare two countries! I have taken America and India because we always compare our country with America!  For calculation purpose let us assume that , Government of America holds  1 Ton of Gold and ...