
Showing posts with the label Religion

One Nation, One Law : Uniform Civil Code

Hi Peeps!!! This is Boopathy.             Our India is a diverse country with various religions and ethnicity living within its borders. Being a secular country, the laws should be equal for all citizens irrespective of religion, caste or gender.             A Uniform Civil Code (UCC) is a single law, applicable to all citizens of India in their personal matters such as inheritance, marriage, divorce, adoption and custody. It aims to provide a common law, by replacing the fragmented personal laws of different religion.             It is defined in Part-IV of Indian Constitution as Directive Principles of State Policy under Article-44 , " The state shall endeavour to secure for the citizens a uniform civil code throughout the territory of India".             Article-37 of Indian Constitution briefs that the DPSP is not enforceable by court. But courts...

Swami Vivekananda Biography

Hello! Everyone. This is Arun Balaji. Swami Vivekananda, an inspiring and well-known personality. Suddenly, an unknown monk became famous when he presented Hinduism in the Parliament of Religions in 1893 in Chicago. Let us read about Swami Vivekananda's early life, education, works, teachings, philosophy books, etc.   On his B-Day and national youth day; let's know some stuff about him. Swami Vivekananda founded Ramakrishna Mission on 1 May 1897 for one's own salvation and for the welfare of the world. Do you know his lectures, writings, letters, and poems are published as The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda? He always focuses on teaching universal principles rather than personalities. He had tremendous intellect. His unique contributions always enlighten and awaken us. He was a spiritual leader and social reformer.  "All the powers in the universe are already our. It is we who have put our hands before our eyes and cry that it is dark."- Swa...


Ramadan(Ramzan or Ramalan)is a holy month for Muslims. What happens during Ramadan and what does it mean to millions of Muslims worldwide? Ramadan is a very special time for Muslims all over the world. Observing Ramadan is one of the five 'pillars' of Islam. During Ramadan, all Muslims over the age of about 12, with some exceptions, are expected to fast between dawn and sunset. Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, which follows the phases of the moon. This means the dates of Ramadan change each year. The month starts when the new crescent moon is first visible in the night sky. Fasting ends with the arrival of the next lunar month, which starts with the first glimpse of the new crescent moon. During Ramadan, the day starts early so that people can eat a pre-fast meal before dawn. This meal, called Suhoor, is important as it will keep them going through the day. During daylight hours, fasting Muslims cannot eat food o...

History of all Religions

Do you know the age of the earth? It's roughly 450 crore years(4,500,000,000) The human race appeared just 50,000 years ago. Religions took birth only 5000 years ago. It's infinitesimal as compared to the inception of the earth. The spread of the religions of the world-Representational only, figures are subject to change. Buddha pointed out to human head when he was asked, "Where Religions came from?" Well, the concept of God came from human minds! He's worshipped as a lord, he, himself uttered that it's a human conception. Anyway, we're living a virtuous and righteous life only because religions made us do so.  Firstly, I would like everyone to remember that I'm not for or against any religion. Just after their inception the human race only knew that some things of nature threaten and harm them and some make 'em happy and let 'em live. They didn't have a...

Visiting Athivaradhar

With three temporary bus stands created, 2500 special police troops deployed and most part of the city traffic diverted,and several small special busses plying to the temple outskirts to enable easy navigation to the same; Kanchipuram, the city of thousand temples wears a festival-coloured look for 48 days(1 Jul 19 to 17 Aug 19) Athi-Varadhar Athi(Tamil)= Fig tree, Varadhan(Tamil) or Vardhan= one of the names of Lord Vishnu. Full of history and mystery, lost and found decades ago, underwater for about 350 years, "Athivaradhar" is the main diety of the "Sri Varadharaja Perumal Temple", Kanchipuram. Wondering why is it Varadhar rather than Varadhan? In Tamilnadu, people add an "ar" as a suffix to any name to make it more respectful. That's the reason why the Traveling Ticket Examiners(TTEs) are better known as TTR(TTE+"ar") instead of TTE. And also the names viz. Vardhan, Vandhna, Parshuram are more no...