
Showing posts with the label Civilization

One Nation, One Law : Uniform Civil Code

Hi Peeps!!! This is Boopathy.             Our India is a diverse country with various religions and ethnicity living within its borders. Being a secular country, the laws should be equal for all citizens irrespective of religion, caste or gender.             A Uniform Civil Code (UCC) is a single law, applicable to all citizens of India in their personal matters such as inheritance, marriage, divorce, adoption and custody. It aims to provide a common law, by replacing the fragmented personal laws of different religion.             It is defined in Part-IV of Indian Constitution as Directive Principles of State Policy under Article-44 , " The state shall endeavour to secure for the citizens a uniform civil code throughout the territory of India".             Article-37 of Indian Constitution briefs that the DPSP is not enforceable by court. But courts...

Keezhadi(கீழடி, कीलडि )-A latent civilization

We know very well about the Indus Valley Civilization and its Culture. Kheezhadi Excavation Site But, do we know a young and parallel civilization which existed in the river banks of Vaigai river in the south of India? Most probably not, because, we Indians ignore whichever is South. And also we split India into North, South, Northeast even when we have one nation. We(maybe ego)refuse to accept the truth and our government is taking steps to impose(imposing is different from people learning it by choice) a single language which is not native to the different people of India. In the north of India, we have the Devanagiri Script. Similarly, we have a version of Bhrami Script called Tamil-Bhrami or Tamizhili(தமிழி) in which Tamil is written. History of Tamil Script The Lemurian Continent, which is sunken underwater in the Indian ocean contains shreds of evidence and proofs of, not only, Tamil being the oldest language, but also several other cultur...