
Showing posts with the label Vocabulary


A baby is born, the first language he/she learns is his/her mother tongue. Well, Hindi is the first language that I learnt but it's not my mother tongue. I'm a proud Indian Tamil.  But, Hindi is really good to speak. It's fun to be around friends, chatting in Hindi. हिन्दी बोलने में मज़ा आता है यार।  Here are some phrases that are really tough in English but fun to learn using Hindi! Phrasal Verbs : Hindi Meaning 1. Call in : किसी को बुलवाना 2. Call off : समाप्त करना, वापस लेना 3. Call up : याद करना, टेलीफोन करना 4. Call for : माँग करना, आवशयकता होना 5. Call on : थोड़ी देर के लिए जाना या रुकना 6. Call out : बुलाना 7. Call at : किसी के घर या स्थान आदि पर थोड़ी देर के लिए जाना 8. Call back : वापस बुलाना 9. Call down : प्रार्थना करना 10. Care about : चिंतित होना 11. Care for : पसंद करना 12. Carry away : आपे से बाहर करना, उत्तेजित करना 13. Carry off : जीतना 14. Carry on : जारी रखना, चलना, निभाना 15. Carry out : आज्ञा का पालन करना 16. Cast aside : छोड़ देना, त्याग कर...

Welcome to Voldemorting!

Welcome to Voldemorting! Voldemorting:Word of the day by BBC When writers swap Trump for Cheeto, it's not just a put-down. Removing a keyword is the anti-SEO—transforming your subject into a slippery, ungraspable, swarm. "I'm so tired of all the bad news on birdsite." Twitter aka Birdsite "Yeah, there's just too much about The Cheeto." US President Trump aka Cheeto Cheeto and birdsite might not be common vocabulary, but the phrases are strangely interpretable. It's easy to jump from Cheeto to Donald Trump or from birdsite to Twitter. Even more understandable is the attitude that comes along for the ride: Somehow it's clear that someone who uses ornate synonyms isn't happy about either entity. Cheeto, sometimes, is also known as #45 for US President Trump is the 45th President of the United States.  Representing US President Trump #45  But how is it that we're so quick to figure o...