
Showing posts with the label Indian Law

Urgent: Objection for Draft EIA 2020

Environmental Impact Assessment or EIA is the process or study which predicts the effect of a proposed industrial/infrastructural project on the environment. It prevents the proposed activity/project from being approved without proper oversight or taking adverse consequences into account India's new EIA draft has been widely criticised for its problematic changes in rules. Many say most of the provisions in the new draft of EIA proves to be a regressive departure from the earlier version. Here is a list few changes proposed by MoEFCC (Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change) proposed in the draft: a. The new draft allows for post-facto approval for projects, meaning that the clearances for projects can be awarded even if they have started construction without securing environmental clearances. b. Public consultation process under the draft notification is reduced from 30 days to 20 days giving less time to the public to submit their responses during a public h...

One Nation, One Law : Uniform Civil Code

Hi Peeps!!! This is Boopathy.             Our India is a diverse country with various religions and ethnicity living within its borders. Being a secular country, the laws should be equal for all citizens irrespective of religion, caste or gender.             A Uniform Civil Code (UCC) is a single law, applicable to all citizens of India in their personal matters such as inheritance, marriage, divorce, adoption and custody. It aims to provide a common law, by replacing the fragmented personal laws of different religion.             It is defined in Part-IV of Indian Constitution as Directive Principles of State Policy under Article-44 , " The state shall endeavour to secure for the citizens a uniform civil code throughout the territory of India".             Article-37 of Indian Constitution briefs that the DPSP is not enforceable by court. But courts...

Protected Tribal Areas under ILP in India-The North-East

Hello! Everyone. This is Boopathy.                       ILP [ Inner Line Permit ] is a         permit or obligatory document that Indian citizens from other states require to enter the North-Eastern states of India.                  It originated from Colonial Rule, 'Inner line' notified under Bengal Eastern Frontier Regulations,1873 by British in order to protect the commercial interest.                  After Independence, Government of India retained the ILP to safeguard the interest of Indigenous tribal communities of North-Eastern parts.                 Initially ILP was given only to the states of Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland and Mizoram. From 01-01-2020 Manipur also got included in ILP regime.Meanwhile Assam, Meghalaya and Sikkim also raised demand for...

National Constitution/Law Day: Snaps

What is it? And Why is it Celebrated? What's so special about this year's celebration? A little History.  The Preamble: First page of the Constitution.  Inclusions: 'Secular' & 'Socialist' Thank You.  Cheers......

Canons of Taxation

Hello! Everyone. This is Boopathy.       Tax is a compulsory payment made by a person or firm to a government, without reference to any benefit the payer may derive from the government. It is entirely different from fee and fine.But these taxation should not violate any provision of Indian constitution especially Fundamental Rights.           The objective of taxation is not only to regulate the revenue but also for Economic development, price stability, Reduction in inequality, etc.             There were approximately 9 canons in taxation out of which 4 canons by Adam Smith, an 18th century philosopher also known as "Father of Modern Economics"  are very important in proper taxation. 1. CANON OF EQUALITY:[சமத்துவ கட்டளை, एकता का नियम]                           Canon of equality states that the burden of taxati...