
Showing posts with the label Indian Tradition

Christening the Naval Vessels of India: Decoded

Every time, the Navy conducts some naval exercises, we read about the ships participating. The Navy does a rescue operation we read about the ships involved in the newspapers. That's it? Nay! Some of us even look around the web to know more. We would have known the names of the vessels but their naming still remains a mystery to many. This post addresses this very issue. Let's start with who names them.  The Internal Nomenclature Committee (INC) at the Ministry of Defence is responsible for naming ships and submarines. The Assistant Chief of Naval Staff heads the INC, and other members include representatives from the historical section of the ministry and the archaeology department of the human resource development ministry.  It is a very good tradition to name our ships and submarines after the various aspects of the Indian republic. Naming ships in this fashion allows us to address the diversity of India.  It's important to note that the first time in history, a s...

The Science Behind Popular Indian Traditions

Hello! Everyone. This is Arun Balaji. Better late than never! India is a ground of spirituality, a land with a 7000-year old history, a land held tight to its ancient traditions, embedded with fruits of its deep-rooted culture passed on through generations, sentiments intact. Despite having witnessed or belong to this society with innumerable traditions, we lack the understanding of the logical reason behind several rituals and customs and brand them superstitious and meaningless. We have shelved away many of these anecdotes passed on by our forefathers with years of increasing westernization, a lot of it because of sheer ignorance. Have we ever wondered why certain things are devised the way they are? Why do we have specifications to every ritual followed? Why Do We Visit Temples? Idol worship is a form   of prayer, but what is the reason behind installing these idols in magnificently constructed temples? What is the purpose of temples at all? Temples are co...