NavIC : The Indian version GPS
Hi Peeps !!! This is Boopathy .
The Indian Regional Navigation System is officially called as NavIC, which stands for Navigation with Indian Constellation. It is an independent and autonomous regional navigation system which has been designed by Indian Space Research Organization to provide accurate positioning in India. This Regional Geo-positioning system not only covers the country, also it extends 15,000 km around the Indian Boundaries. It aims to provide most accurate and precise location service to the Users.
In 1999, During the Kargil war, the Pakistani troops entered into India, the primary thing sought by Indian Military was the space based Global Positioning System of America. But they denied it. This bitter experience made India to realize the Importance of Satellite Navigation system. Then India planned it's own version of Global Positioning System .
This project made the ISRO to open a new Space Navigation Centre on the campus of ISRO Deep Space Network (DSN) at Byalalu, in Karnataka on May 28, 2013.
The NavIC is powered by 7 IRNSS (Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System) Satellites and were launched at regular intervals.
IRNSS-1A on July 01, 2013.
IRNSS-1B on April 04, 2014.
IRNSS-1C on October 16, 2014.
IRNSS-1D on March 28, 2015.
IRNSS-1E on January 20, 2016.
IRNSS-1F on March 10, 2016.
IRNSS-1H was sent to replace the already deployed IRNSS-1A on August 31, 2017 which was also unsuccessful.
So, IRNSS-1I was sent on April 12, 2018 to replace.
Among those 7, 3 satellites were placed on Geostationary Orbit, which is a circular orbit positioned approximately 22,258 miles i,e., 35,900 kms above Earth's Equator. It has the same duration and direction as the rotation of the earth. And the other 4 satellites were placed on Geosynchronous orbit, which is same as Geostationary orbit but it has a different inclination.
By this positioning, it provides two types of services, they are Standard Positioning Service (SPS) and Restricted Service (RS). The SPS is provided to all the users and the later is an encrypted Service which is provided only to authorized users. It is expected to provide a position accuracy of better than 20 meters within the Primary Service area.
USA has GPS, RUSSIA has GLONASS, EUROPE has GALILEO, CHINA has BEIDOU, JAPAN has QZSS and now India has NavIC. This term "NavIC" was coined by our honourable Prime Minister, Narendra Modi.
In April, 2019 , NavIC based vehicle tracking system was made mandatory for all commercial vehicles in India.
On January 2020, Qualcomm ,an American multinational telecommunication equipment company, launched 3 new chipsets, snapdragon 720G, 662 and 460 with support for NavIC. After the agreement was signed between Qualcomm and ISRO, the NavIC is going to be available on civilans mobile phones also.
Realme, a Chinese handset makers, launched a 5G mobile called Realme X50 Pro, with the starting price of ₹37,999 with NavIC support. Xiaomi Mobiles are also going to be equipped with NavIC support.
Applications of NavIC
1. Terrestrial, Aerial and Marine Navigation.
2. Disaster Management.
3. Terrestrial Navigation aid for Travellers and Hikers .
4. Precise Timings.
5. Integration with Mobile phones.
6. Vehicle tracking and Fleet Management.
7. Voice and visual navigation for drivers.
8. Mapping and Geodetic data capture.
Interesting objects
¤ It can broadcast Text messages to users at every 12 minutes which would be useful for Disaster Management.
¤ To extend the coverage , 4 more satellites are going to be launched.
¤ Indian made optical atomic clock is initiated for Deep space communication and Accuracy.
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