
Showing posts with the label Technology


What is 5G? 5G is the next generation of mobile broadband that will eventually replace, or at least augment 4G LTE connection. Features and benefits of the 5G technology: Operate in  the millimeter wave spectrum (30-300 GHz)  which have the advantage of sending large amounts of data at very high speeds. Operate in  3 bands,  namely low, mid and high frequency spectrum. Reduced latency  will support new applications that leverage the power of 5G, the Internet of Things (IoT), and artificial intelligence. Increased capacity  on 5G networks can minimize the impact of load spikes, like those that take place during sporting events and news events. Significance of the technology: India’s  National Digital Communications Policy 2018  highlights the  importance of 5G  when it states that the convergence of a cluster of revolutionary technologies including 5G, the cloud, Internet of Things (IoT) and data analytics, along with a growing start-up c...


There are different types of fibre optic cables that are available in the market. In case you are not aware, fibre optic cables are network cables with strands of glass fibre inside a casing. The cables are used for providing high-speed data and telecommunications services. Since there are different types of fibre cables, it gets difficult to pick the best one from the lot. One of the best features of all the fibre optic cables is a better and streamlined internet connection as compared to traditional copper wire cables. Some of the commonly used fibre optic cables are FTTP, FTTH and more. Follow the article to the end for detailed information on different types of fibre optic cables. FTTP/FTTH (Fibre-to-the-premises or fibre-to-the-home) These are two of the most common fibre optic cables you might have heard. In reality, both fibre optic cables have been designed for individual residences. FTTP and FTTH cables are directed to an individual home or premises by an internet service prov...

Computer related Abbreviations

Here are some must know Computer related Abbreviations and their Full Forms HDD =Hard Disk Drive.(Hard Disk) SSD =Solid State Drive.(Modern Hard Disk) USB =Universal Serial Bus.(Pen Drive) HID =Human Interface Devices.(Mouse, Touchpad, Light Pen, Keyboard) BIOS =Basic Input Output System.  UEFI =Unified Extensible Firmware Interface.  MBR =Master Boot Recorder.p(Partition Scheme) GPT =GUID Partition Table.(Partition Scheme) GUID =Global Unique Identifier.  VGA =Video Graphics Array.(Analog Monitor display interface) HDMI =High Definition Multimedia Interface.(Digital Monitor Display Interface) ......and there are much more.....and will be posted subsequently... Thank You... Cheers...

Understanding HTTP error codes

Please bear with it, as it's gonna be a long post.  Pro tip: You may use it as a reference as and when you encounter HTTP errors.  Server: It is from where the data is retrieved to your computer.  Client: You, your computer.  HTTP Status Codes HTTP status codes are divided into 5 “classes”. These are groupings of responses that have similar or related meanings. Knowing what they are, can help you quickly determine the general substance of a status code before you go about looking up its specific meaning. The five classes include: • 100s: Informational codes indicating that the request initiated by the browser is continuing. • 200s: Success codes returned when browser request was received, understood, and processed by the server. • 300s: Redirection codes returned when a new resource has been substituted for the requested resource. • 400s: Client error codes indicating that there was a problem with the reque...

Differences between 128 kbps & 320 kbps

Everyone of us listens music, also we like to hear a high quality music that freshens our mind so that we can complete our work more efficiently with fresh mind. We often see the texts like ‘128 kbps’, ‘190’ kbps’ & ‘320 kbps’ when we visit any ‘mp3’ download site.  What is kbps?  Most of us know the answer to this question i.e. ‘Kilo byte per second’. Kbps is a measure of bandwidth (the amount of data that can flow in a given time) on a data transmission medium .   What is MP3? In order to get the most out of this ubiquitous format, it's important to understand what an MP3 file is, and what it does to your music. MP3 is a digital audio   codec ; that is, it's a method of   co mpressing and   dec ompressing digitized sound. The digital information on a standard audio CD requires about 10 megabytes per minute of music. When a song is ripped from a CD to a computer and converted to an MP3, that same minute of music typically is reduced to a...

Using Dual displays/ Projectors in Windows

Ever cared about projection and display modes in PCs? This is an explainer.  Note: This article is designed, keeping up with the Windows 7 interface. However, the name of tge options and function are same across all Windows OSs. Behold, there are just some graphical interfaces changes. In Windows Systems,   there are four display modes. They’re Duplicate, Extend, Computer Only and Projector Only. These modes work when you have connected one or more external displays to your computer. If you had only one monitor, your computer monitor, there is no difference no matter which mode you’ve selected. Generally, "Computer Only" and "Projector Only" work as what they’ve been designed as. Only, Duplicate and Extended needs understanding.  Simultaneously press the ‘windows’ + ‘P’ key on your keyboard There pops out a box with four options. Hit one of them and it will be highlighted with a blue background, and you will enter the corresponding mode. Such a...


A hard disk drive (HDD) is an old-school storage device that uses mechanical platters and a moving read/write head to access data.  A solid-state drive (SSD) is a newer, faster type of device that stores data on instantly-accessible memory chips. Beware! The above image shows price comparison of a laptop with a HDD and another with an SSD. 😱 How they store? HDDs : An enclosure contains a series of platters covered by a ferromagnetic coating. The direction of the magnetization represents the individual bits. Data is read and written by a head (similar to  the way vinyl record albums work ) that moves extremely fast from one area of the disk to another. Since all of these pieces are “mechanical,” the hard disk is the slowest component of any computer – and the most fragile. SSD : These newer types of disks store information on flash memory, which consists of individual memory cells storing bits that are instantly accessible by the controller. ...

Rules to Choose between MBR and GPT

Wakin' up from hibernation... The previous blog post explained basic information about MBR and GPT, and this part devotes to how to choose partitioning scheme. BIOS + MBR If motherboard in your computer is BIOS or UEFI with BIOS mode, MBR partition plan is the correct choice. UEFI + GPT Oppositely, if your computer is using UEFI motherboard and enables UEFI mode, then please employ GPT partition scheme. You might be confused by the conclusion above, as there are many guides online teaching users to install operating system on BIOS+ GPT or UEFI +MBR . My advice is that if you are not technical geek or professional user , you'd better choose BIOS + MBR or UEFI +GPT , as you can benefit: 1. Better performance in hardware and software, faster speed. 2. Avoid many potential issues that may occur to installation or running Windows. Professional users can easily fix these problems, but common users can't get rid of any system errors easily. Some users may ask whether...

MBR vs. GPT Partition

Booting-in... What a partition is? Computer contains at least one hard drive (HDD) for data storage, but the physical drive can't store data directly before partitions are created. Strictly speaking, partition can't store data if files system is not built. Partition should be formatted to NTFS or FAT files system before storing data. One physical hard drive can be divided into several partitions (it is OK to have one partition only). How to create multiple partitions? This is when partition table come to use. Partition table defines and stores partition information, locating certain disk space on the beginning area. Operating system gains partition information by way of accessing data in partition table. There are essentially two basic partition schemes: MBR & GPT . MBR stands for Master Boot Recorder.  GPT stands for GUID Partition Table.  And GUID =Global Unique Identifier.  What is? and Elucidation on MBR: The MBR partitioning...


Before one gets into work with the Windows, there are several steps taken to boot (technical term for load) Windows Operating System(OS). The loading of any OS and the system resources like display monitors, USB Controllers, CD Drives, Hard Disk Drives(HDD) and several others are handled and configured by a frimware. This frimware is provided by your PC or Desktop manufacturer and it depends in who it is, DELL, HP, ASUS or any other manufacturer. This frimware has undergone several changes overtime and now stands as 2 main types. This article addresses this issue. Let's not get into the years and chronology. Let's boot-in. BIOS and UEFI are two firmware interfaces for computers to start the operating system. BIOS uses the Master Boot Record (MBR) to save information about the hard drive data while UEFI uses the GUID partition table (GPT). Compared with BIOS, UEFI is more powerful and has more advanced features. BIOS stand for Basic Input Output ...

Role of Electronics and Communication Engineers in combating COVID-19

Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) graduates play a very important role in providing automated solutions such as disease surveillance, integrating sensor system in a smartphone for early detection of disease symptoms, sensor-based sanitizer dispensing system, etc. thereby, application of electronics, integration of sensors, wireless connectivity, and remote operability, etc. are the key requirements for this pandemic (COVID 19) equipment. People with this specific knowledge have contributed, are contributing, and will continue contributing significantly in developing automatic technology in fighting against this kind of pandemic. On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization confirmed the Coronavirus as a pandemic. And soon many countries have enforced lockdown measures to stop the spread of this deadly disease. According to a survey, conducted by IPC (Institute for Printed Circuits), electronics manufacturers anticipate at least a five-week product shipment...

Abbreviations, Full Forms, Acronyms

Often, people mess up the meaning of the words 'abbreviation' and 'full form' and use them interchangeably. This can't be attributed to grammar mistake, it's totally a change of meaning. It's like using 'boy' in place of 'girl'. Abbreviation: It's the shortened form of any word or a phrase.  Full form: Self-explanatory.  Acronym : An abbreviation or short form pronounced as a single word. Real incident in an Electronic and Communication Class : Teacher : Class, what is the abbreviation of LTE? .......... Silence Prevails ...... Student 1 : Long Term Efficiency. Little Wizard( thinking ) : Neither the question nor the answer is correct 🙄 Teacher : Arun, I thought you would answer.  Little Wizard : I know mam, it's Long Term Evolution.  Teacher : Good! Now it's clear about the difference. Here, you are gonna be provided with some full forms of the abbreviations which are quite basic and must-know. Mobile/Communication/N...