Abbreviations, Full Forms, Acronyms

Often, people mess up the meaning of the words 'abbreviation' and 'full form' and use them interchangeably. This can't be attributed to grammar mistake, it's totally a change of meaning. It's like using 'boy' in place of 'girl'. Abbreviation: It's the shortened form of any word or a phrase. Full form: Self-explanatory. Acronym : An abbreviation or short form pronounced as a single word. Real incident in an Electronic and Communication Class : Teacher : Class, what is the abbreviation of LTE? .......... Silence Prevails ...... Student 1 : Long Term Efficiency. Little Wizard( thinking ) : Neither the question nor the answer is correct 🙄 Teacher : Arun, I thought you would answer. Little Wizard : I know mam, it's Long Term Evolution. Teacher : Good! Now it's clear about the difference. Here, you are gonna be provided with some full forms of the abbreviations which are quite basic and must-know. Mobile/Communication/N...