
Showing posts with the label Education

Abbreviations, Full Forms, Acronyms

Often, people mess up the meaning of the words 'abbreviation' and 'full form' and use them interchangeably. This can't be attributed to grammar mistake, it's totally a change of meaning. It's like using 'boy' in place of 'girl'. Abbreviation: It's the shortened form of any word or a phrase.  Full form: Self-explanatory.  Acronym : An abbreviation or short form pronounced as a single word. Real incident in an Electronic and Communication Class : Teacher : Class, what is the abbreviation of LTE? .......... Silence Prevails ...... Student 1 : Long Term Efficiency. Little Wizard( thinking ) : Neither the question nor the answer is correct 🙄 Teacher : Arun, I thought you would answer.  Little Wizard : I know mam, it's Long Term Evolution.  Teacher : Good! Now it's clear about the difference. Here, you are gonna be provided with some full forms of the abbreviations which are quite basic and must-know. Mobile/Communication/N...