
Showing posts with the label Supernatural

Superstition Mountains - A pack of mysteries

Hi Peeps!!! This is Boopathy.            Over 18 million years ago, due to volcanic activity, a volcano collapsed into itself and formed massive mountains. People called that as 'Thunder Mountain', 'The Crooked top Mountains' and 'Mountains of foam'. The local natives near the mountain had undergone several mysteries and weirdness, named it as "The Superstition Mountains".              The Superstition Mountains are the largest among the mountain ranges around the Phoenix , the most populated city and capital city of Arizona at USA. They have desert climate with summer temperature and also perennial source of water. They are about 5,024 feet tall and covers around 1,59,757 acres. People called it as a cursed mountain which consists of several mysteries such as hidden gold mines, story of giants, secret portals, strange guards and numerous hiking trails.  1. The Hidden Gold Min...

Aliens and UFOs spotted on the earth

Hi Peeps!!! This is Boopathy.             Our Universe is full of mysteries and fascinations. And still people are trying hard to find out its components. Many believe that Earth is the only planet in the whole universe where human beings exists. It's absolutely true. But.....             There are other planets discovered by NASA with existence of life in the universe. And we call those living creatures as Aliens.             The Aliens 👽 are the creatures whose bodies, sensory capabilities and experiences are different from us. Similarly,  UFOs (Unidentified flying objects) 🛸 are the flying phenomenon which cannot be identified or explained immediately. Most probably it might be the carrier or vehicle of the aliens.             In 1976, a strange thing happened in Iran, where there was a movement of bright light seen in the sky. The Iranian Air...

Secrets and Significance of Dreams

Hi Peeps !!! This is Boopathy...              Classroom : Are you day dreaming?.. ... Office : It's my dream project ..... Criticism : It won't happen even in your dreams.. . Love: She is my dream girl!!! Life:  Work hard till your dreams come true. Greetings: Good night Sweet dreams.              What's meant by "Dream" ? Why the hell it's been used everywhere??              Okay. Let's sail into the dreams.😇😇😇             Dream is an imaginary event or visionary scheme seen in the mind while sleeping.             Sleep is broadly classified into 2 stages, REM (Rapid eye movement) and Non-REM. The Non-REM refers to deep sleep whereas REM stage is closer to wakefulness. In other words, it is the particular duration before we wake up from the sleep. At this stage alone most of the dream...

Devil's Triangle: Science or Supernatural?

Hi Peeps !!! This is Boopathy.                 Our World is full of awe and astonishment. There are so many mysteries happening around the world. Out of those, Bermuda Triangle ,also called as "Devil's triangle", is quite peculiar among others.                This Triangle is an area of the North Atlantic ocean between Bermuda to the north, Puerto Rico to the south and Florida to the west. Covering a triangular area of 5,00,000 sq.miles. Several planes and ships had been disappeared when they were about to cross this location. Till now, there is no information about those lost ships and planes.              In 1492, Christoper Columbus, an Italian Explorer told that during his voyage he found a great flame of fire with strange lights. He also recorded that his compass acts strangely. It got malfunctioned.              In...