Superstition Mountains - A pack of mysteries

Hi Peeps!!! This is Boopathy.

           Over 18 million years ago, due to volcanic activity, a volcano collapsed into itself and formed massive mountains. People called that as 'Thunder Mountain', 'The Crooked top Mountains' and 'Mountains of foam'. The local natives near the mountain had undergone several mysteries and weirdness, named it as "The Superstition Mountains". 

            The Superstition Mountains are the largest among the mountain ranges around the Phoenix, the most populated city and capital city of Arizona at USA. They have desert climate with summer temperature and also perennial source of water. They are about 5,024 feet tall and covers around 1,59,757 acres. People called it as a cursed mountain which consists of several mysteries such as hidden gold mines, story of giants, secret portals, strange guards and numerous hiking trails. 

1. The Hidden Gold Mines :
            It is also called as "The Lost Dutchman's Gold Mine"  which is situated near the Apache junction where lots of gold were hidden. It was discovered by Jacob Waltz, a German immigrant. He kept that secret path within himself for long time and revealed that to his caretaker Julia Thomas, when he was seriously ill. She was unsure about that and sold the map for $ 7. Around 600 people were dead and missing when they went in search of that Gold mine. The lost Dutchman's gold mine's exact location and the people who went after that were still unknown. 

2. Story of Giants:
            Some people found the skeletons of giants while digging the soil, in order to find the gold treasure. Those giant skeletons were about 8 to 10 feet tall. People thinks that they may be the residents of the mountain. And their spirits are still surviving in those caves in the mountain. They were the reason behind those paranormal activities with strange voices and noises.

3. Secret portals :
            This is one of the breath taking mystery in the mountain. There is a secret portal which leads to another world (Underworld). The native residents believes that the secret portal leads to hell and the people who enter the mountain would be thrown out into hell. That's why several people went missing once they entered into it. Winds from that portal hole cause severe dust around the whole city. Such portal also acts as time traveller.

4. Strange Guards :
            The Apaches and the Tuar-Tums are the tribal people, who guards the gold  mine as well as the secret portal. They alone can open such portal when the God intends them to do so. They kill the people by cutting of their heads and throwing it different directions. They hid the gold and covered up the mines from the civilians. They were also treated as messengers of God.

5. Hiking trails :
            Numerous hiking trails across the mountain provides multiple access points such as Flatiron, Route 60, Petroglyphs, Miners Needle and Peralta trial head. The Peralta trail head was one of the dangerous place. It was the place, where about 300 people were massacred. It is also called as "Peralta massacre". 

            These are the mysterious things which has been happened in just one mountain range. How strange !!! And still it remains as an ancient nightmare of rock which scares the people who went around it. 

            Recently, 5 friends have hiked there and found nothing strange. Later, all the 5 claimed that they experience same strange dreams in which they were being chased. 

Thank you!!! 

Meet you again... 


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