Secrets and Significance of Dreams

Hi Peeps !!! This is Boopathy...

Classroom: Are you day dreaming?.....
Office: It's my dream project.....
Criticism: It won't happen even in your dreams...
Love: She is my dream girl!!!
Life: Work hard till your dreams come true. Greetings: Good night Sweet dreams. 

            What's meant by "Dream"? Why the hell it's been used everywhere?? 

            Okay. Let's sail into the dreams.😇😇😇

            Dream is an imaginary event or visionary scheme seen in the mind while sleeping.

            Sleep is broadly classified into 2 stages, REM (Rapid eye movement) and Non-REM. The Non-REM refers to deep sleep whereas REM stage is closer to wakefulness. In other words, it is the particular duration before we wake up from the sleep. At this stage alone most of the dream takes place. 

            While sleeping, our conscious mind relaxes but, subconscious mind does not. Instead, it processes our own thoughts and concerns which comes out as dreams.

            Yes. Dream is the royal road to our unconscious mind with memories and experiences. 

            Usually, we undergo 6 to 7 dreams per night, but we can't remember all of them. Many people don't remember their dreams within 5 minutes of them waking up. Further, they forget 90% of their dreams within 10 minutes after they wake up. 

            But why??? All those things are taking place in our unconscious mind. That's why we can't even read in our dreams.

            We come across several actions that we do in our dreams. But, we never come across the action of reading. Because reading needs conscious mind. Similarly we can't see a clock in dreams.

            Dreams are not under the control of the dreamer. But, in the case of Lucid dreams, the dreamer will be aware of his dreaming and he can have control over his dream.

            Sigmund Freud, an Austrian Neurologist and founder of psychoanalysis (study of unconscious mind) told that dreams are the plain views of one's deepest desires and anxieties. The content of dream shows the dreamer's unconscious wish fulfillment. That is, dreams are nothing but our desires present in our unconscious mind.

            In other words, dream is a message or warning to pay attention for our own good.

            Let's have a look at some common dreams which we experience and it's significance. 

1. Falling:
        When we dream of falling, it indicates that we are loosing control within ourselves. 

2. Being chased:
        If we dream of being chased, it means that we are avoiding something and trying to get rid of it. 

3. Being trapped:
        When we get trapped in our dreams, it shows that we are thinking or worrying about the past. It also means that we are sticking to something. 

4. Flying :
        This denotes that we are leading a happy life. It shows cherish.

5. Showing up Naked :
        If we try to hide or conceal our personality to attract or please others, we will dream of showing up naked in public places. Similarly when we go to a new place or having the habit of shyness, we dream of being naked in such places like College, Office, etc. 

6. Being lost
        If we dream of being lost, it represents that we lost our way in reality. Going in wrong way. 

7. Nocturnal emission :
        It is informally known as Wet dreams or Sex dreams. It mostly occurs at the stage of adolescence which gives the feel of orgasm. It is because our body undergoes major hormonal changes. It also indicates that we are sexually active. Applicable for both men and women.

8. Death : 
        People take it as a negative dream. But it denotes positivity. It shows that we are moving to the next stage. Like death is next step of life. It also denotes the termination of something such as job, peace, etc.

9. Celebrities :
        It shows our longingness for reputation like such celebrities. It also shows our subconscious mind's carving for that particular field where the celebrity belongs to.

10. Sounds :
          The sounds which take place outside our dream will have some relative action in our dream. It do not symbolize any action. It simply shows the adaptation of dreams with the available source.

11. Nightmares :
        It is also called as bad dream. But worser than a bad dream. Bad dream only gives us negative feel. But nightmares frighten us and also make us wake from sleep. 

12. Ideas:
        Dreams even give us ideas and innovationswhich gets huge reputation in real life. E.g: Tesla's "Alternating current", Larry page's "Google". 

            Somniloquy (talking in sleep)  and somnambulism (walking in sleep) are also due to dreams. But scientists and doctors call them as sleep disorder.

            Some people remember their dreams, when it occurs in real life, that makes us to feel like Déjà vu.

            So let us analyze our dreams to analyze our status in our lives.

This article is an outcome of one of my beloved brother's request. And I thank him (Muthu Kumar BA LLB) for suggesting me this interesting topic.

Thank you!!! 

Meet you again... 

Have a sweet dream...!!!


  1. Different thing in article and suggestion for muthu Anna... Good idea. yes , sometimes I feel that Deja vu' . In time I said Dream is not time pass , next level going to in our life.

  2. Interesting Article 👌 And Good Ideas had Thrown Out🤗

  3. Semma Bro... Thanks so much lovely bro❤. .. .. ... ..

  4. Hangover Celebrities 🤩
    I'm afraid I haven't got a significant amount of readers yet as a blogger but getting a good experience as a reader on our own blog.

    1. Thank you Bhai😍.. All credits goes to your competent guidance 😇🙏


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