Accidental Wonders on Earth

 Hi Peeps !!! This is Boopathy.

            Around the world there are several wonders to be admired. Most of those are the outcomes of inspiring architectures. And some are accidental, but surely it would keep us all amused. Let's look at few works which were accidentally artistic.


         It is located in Neveda, United States. In 1916, a well was drilled there for the purpose of irrigation. But it was left alone as that boiling water was unsuitable for farming. Again, In 1964, another test well was drilled by the geothermal energy company. this time the was not hot enough to their expectation and was supposedly re-sealed.

          The thermophilic algae which flourish in moist and hot environment results in green and red coloring of rocks. The fly geyser now stands as a rainbow-coloured geologic wonder.


          This tunnel is located in Nottingham, England. In 19th century, the Duke of Portland commissioned to evacuate a tunnel, creating an impressive approach to the wealthy new neighborhood from Derby Road, allowing the heavy horse-drawn carriages to pass through.

          The tunnel was too steep for carriages but now remains a grand hidden thoroughfare at a parking lot shared by a convent and office buildings.


         It is situated in Lake Placid, Florida. This small town is beautified with massive paintings on the wall by the Lake Placid mural society. Interestingly, most of those paintings has some sort of intentional error in them for people to spot. 

         This whole game began due to an artist's actual mistake. Later the mistake became a theme across all of the town's paintings.      


          It is located in Irkutsk, Russia. When the city first created its coat of arms in the 1600s, it used 'babr', an old vocal word to describe a Siberian tiger. in 19th century, when officials were tasked with redrawing the same, unfamiliar with the name 'babr', they misspelled to bobr (beaver). This led to the birth of the bizarre beaver-Tiger hybrid statute that remained the symbol of a Siberian town for a while.


          It is located in Georgia, United States.It is also called as "Little Grand Canyon" of Georgia. It was actually formed by soil erosion caused by poor farming practices. Originally aimed at avoiding the same.   

         Several feet deep ditches were formed and over the decades, the flow of both water and sand has helped craft the near vertical pinnacles that can be seen even today.

Thank You !!!

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