Suicide : The self-immolation

Hi Peeps!!!  This is Boopathy...

            We didn't create our soul... Then how can we just conclude it ??? Obviously, it's against nature as well as law.

            The word Suicide comes from the Latin roots, in which 'sui' means 'of oneself' and 'cidium" means 'killing or slaying'. It is the act of causing one's own death intentionally. It is outcome of various factors such as stress, depression, anxiety disorder, bipolar disorder, personality disorder, difficulties in social interaction, etc.

            Meanwhile, this action occurs when a person hates his life or in a big confusion to lead his life. Now a days, most of the suicide attempts are committed by adults compared to aged people. And the common reason behind them are breakups, bullying, failure in exams and financial difficulties.

            Now, you may think that these are the common problems faced by us. Of course, it is!!! But the seriousness, atmosphere and mental capabilities differ among us.  These 3 factors decide between being survivors and victims.

           How can we overcome such suicidal thoughts?

            Dial - 02227546669... Hahaha!!!  Just kidding. But it's true. It's national helpline number to contact when we feel emotional crisis, suicidal thoughts, etc.

            Whenever we get a thought of ending our life, there are certain things which we should and shouldn't do.

            We must convey our suicidal thoughts to our deary ones at the very intial stage. This will curb your suicidal thoughts before it turns aggressive. When we share our emotions with someone, it reduces our burden and makes us relaxed. Because, our emotions are not constant.

            Our suicidal thoughts are quite emotionally egoistic. We may not know whether our attempt would take our life or not, but we may have a strong determination to commit that. That's why many people fail in their attempts. This was infered from the suicide attempt of an Indian girl named Bharathi, in the year 2015.

            We must keep ourselves busy either by indulging in something or by engaging with somebody. It would surely drive away those thoughts. But never be lonely.

            Avoid listening to music or songs which keeps us in a state of depression. It would act like a catalyst. Instead, we could listen to something which motivates.

            Have a faith that things would get better and would it vanish like passing clouds. For that we must have faith in ourselves to challenge the difficulty and overcome it.

            We have to consider anti-suicidal elements in order to dump those suicidal thoughts into thrash. Obviously, the anti-suicidal elements are parents, friends and of course pets, desires and ambitions.

Some common types of Suicide :

Copycat - commiting suicide by copying someone's suicide who had the same problem.

Euthanasia - painless killing of person suffering from incurable disease.

Familicide -  suicide of an entire family.

Forced - Because of external torture or compulsion to commit suicide.

Honour - committing suicide in order to protect one's pride.

Ritual - The act of suicide motivated by a religious, spiritual or traditional ritual. ( In Japan, ritual suicide called 'Seppuku' was practiced).

Suicide attack - It is a violent attack in which the attackers accept their own death in order to harm or destroy a target.

Cop suicide - criminals used to commit suicide deciding that they would rather die than be arrested.

Suicide as customary practice :
            Though suicide is against law, once it was a customary law in India. A Hindu wife was expected to throw herself on her husband's burning body on the funeral pyre believing that she could enter the next life with him. This practice was called as 'Sati or suttee'. Tremendously, it was abolished by the father of Indian Renaissance, Raja Ram Mohan Roy.

Funeral Ceremony :
            Many countries have prohibited normal funeral ceremony for people who committed suicide. In England, they used to bury a suicidal person at night in a crossroad with a stake driven through the heart till 1823. In France, the body was dragged through the streets and then hanged from public gallows.  In Germany,  early laws required the victim to be buried under the gallows. In India, the bodies will be burned into ashes to pacify their aathmas.

            In English literature, the world's greatest dramatist, William Shakespeare in his tragic dramas, typically present suicide in sympathetic terms, as seen in suicide of Hamlet, Othello, Romeo, Juliet, Antony, Brutus and Cleopatra.

Famous personalities' Suicide :
            Adolf Hitler, Charlie Chaplin, Virginia Wolf, Sylvia Path, Socrates, Sigmund Freud, Marilyn Monroe and Ernest Hemingway.

Famous Suicide spots:

Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge, China - more than 2,000 suicides from 1968 to 2006.

Golden Gate Bridge, United States - more than 1,600 and many bodies were never found.

This article is an outcome of my beloved friends' request. And I thank them for suggesting me this interesting topic.

Thank You!!!

Meet you again.....


  1. Super 👌very interesting one

  2. Sushant Singh Rajput

    Indian actor

    Cause of death: Suicide

    Date of death: 14 June 2020

    Place of death: Bandra West, Mumbai

    Now, I can say fearlessly that "You killed it".

    RIP Dhoni Star.

  3. ya it's correct for information but onething full of suicide types and places its one of the way of suicide.. Add on how to relief of suicide and forget the incident..
    Anyway super ������

  4. Very interesting topic boopathy anna 😇 keep going ❤


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