The Court Practice Incident

His friends were off from the practice. He thought it's going to be a huge hell day without any company. Dressed up below ordinary, not willing to go to court, atleast for that day, he summoned all his strength and sanity to reach the court alone.

On the way to the bus stop he was walking sluggishly, thinking that he might also take the day off if he missed the bus! "Cómo te llamas baby?", it was his phone's ringtone. His friend and classmate Emmanuel was on the phone to confirm if our dude was joining them. From sluggish to normal, he walked past the busy road which was then clear. On reaching the bus stop he was greeted by the smile of Emmanuel, this time his smile was like as if he's checking on the status of his mind. He smiled back. 

Damn! The bus was there, turning to Cinderella, he again got a smile from her which was like as if there was a surprise for him! Dude smiled back. Again his brain's impulse signal strained, it's gonna be a huge hell day. His heart reminded that it would be okay. 

But, soon,  that happened to signify the day as one of the special days of his life when he just saw her who was familiar in a not so familiar outfit, orange-white and bright. The third smile gave answers to his suspicions. He wondered if that her was this her. Why didn't he feel the same way before?

Teresa, Cinderella's cousin was there. He didn't expect her to be there. She's from a different College pursuing her BA in English. He'd already known her but saw her after a longer time. His brains impulse changed to an excitement signal!

Soon they were set off on their journey to the court in the bus. He and Emmanuel were standing together, Cinderella and Teresa together. His friend Vicky was omnipresent with him but this time he's on off. He got accustomed to get tickets together for both. His lightning fast instincts told him to get two, this time for another person. 

"Cinderella, I've got ticket for Teresa too", said Jack. 

"I've been travelling with you for almost a week, have you ever got tickets for me?", said Emmanuel exclaimingly. 

Jack gave a mischievous smile. By then Teresa was told by her cousin that Jack had got ticket for her. Teresa smiled, seeing Jack. 

"I could have taken 100 tickets to see that smile", said Jack's mind voice. He smiled. 

Anyway, there are only 52 seats in the bus! That would be the dumbest thing ever if did. 

Notwithstanding the sudden change of course of his day, there were a millions of thoughts in his mind to keep him occupied for the whole journey. But one thing was clear to him that it's for good. 

Got down from the bus, Jack was tying his tie before he entered the court. He was told to take care of Teresa for the day, earlier in the bus by Cinderella. He thought she's just kidding. 

With tie half over, Cinderella appeared and said the same. He replied that he was going to the Mahila court and criminals committed crimes on women would only come and he didn't want to take Teresa there, expressing his concern. 

Cindrella told that Teresa had to have some exposure in this regard and she should be able to hang around in any kind of a situation. Jack agreed halfheartedly. 

"I'm fine, I'm going with my brother!", Teresa gave a mischievous smile. 

"W..wh...what brother?", exclamed Kate and Catherine. 

"No probs, I'll take care of my sis!", Jack returned the smile. 

"Whhh...Whaaaat? Sister?", exclaimed the duo. 

Fine, it didn't affect much. 

He went inside the open court but his thoughts were around Teresa as she was his responsibility that day. He came out again to ask if Teresa could sit alone. She said she could. He enquired if she had earphones to kill time. Assured her that incase of any requirements he would be there as "lightning strikes from the skies to the ground" on her call. Again he went in. His mood was heavy after listening to the proceedings for sometime, he wanted to run to her. 

He had never been this responsible before. Thinking that he can't just go empty handed to meet her, he bought some snacks and rushed towards her. 

Yeah, it was not an easy task absconding from the group of his classmates. Harry popped up from nowhere and was preventing his meeting with her. Then at the same time the staff in charge came for attendance. He made a quick mental plan of deterring Harry from this. 

"Sir, almost everyone are in the JM court as there is an important case going on, we may easily take down the attendance", Jack seemed smart. 

He, Harry, the staff along with some other students made their way to the JM court while Jack slipped away. In the court premises all buildings looked alike and it was difficult to identify each. He made his way through the back door of the JM court, all the way round around every court building and hit the entrance on his toes. And this was how he got there. 

Cinderella was there with Teresa. With an extraordinary smile Jack came by and offered those snacks he bought. He's not sure what Teresa liked so he bought one from almost every snack item in the shop. When someone's under crisis his original self comes in to play effectively. He was totally out of his own control. Surely not under crisis but under some urge to be a good guy. His mind fluctuated if he was being responsible or he was doing this to show off or was it his right or he was obligated to do this or only he deserves to do this or whatever. Buying more had helped him offer some to Cinderella too. He was offered buttermilk by the cousins . The chillness in the buttermilk seemed so less than the snowfall around him coz of Teresa's presence there. 

Soon Cinderella left, Matthew came by, not leaving much time to interact with Teresa. His feet was cold. 

"Bro, have this", Jack offered some snacks to Matthew. 

He kindly accepted and both were in a conversation sitting beside each other. Teresa was there but the air around was heavy. He didn't talk to her thinking that it may raise suspicion about them. Moreover, Matthew was from the same place as Teresa. All he could do was leave the place after Matthew left, leaving behind Teresa at the same boring place. Among all his wishes he managed to maintain the decorum too. He just said a bye to Teresa. 

She managed to sit alone in the dreaded court premises for long. Was it because she was a Leo or because the Virgo guy was around? Else, Virgo and Leo both adjacent to each other, in the Zodiacal order!
Soon they met for lunch. But it seemed a long day for him. Staying in the hostel for several years, he always had a liking for homemade food. He was offered food by almost all his classmates as usual. His taste buds were most sensitive to those Chappatis form one in the group. Later, he expressed his gratitude for the same. 

"Teresa, isn't it made by aunt?", asked Cinderella. 

It was Teresa's homemade!

After this, they met at "The Brews" one of the finest Ice-cream outlets in Dharmapuri. It's jointly run by some students of GLC in partnership. He was longing to see her. Not to be desparate he started to type out that day's happening through a wireless keyboard on his phone. And then it came into my notice. And we felt it worth recording. Merely writing it in diaries won't make them thrive forever but this digital imprints would. 

Excitement signals spread all over his body, seeing her after a while. 

This time their discussion were about NCC parade. He had served in the NCC for 4 years with honor and has obtained the most coveted 'C' certificate. Then, he realized that the purpose he got the C atleast helped him this way. Teresa was still a cadet and looked forward to become a pilot in escorting. He gave some wise words from his experience. It was an informative and informal talk. 

Later, the four, Jack, Teresa and Emmanuel, Cinderella went to the bakes nearby. Teresa was helping herself with the cream bun as if she's under compulsion to do so. 

"Don't you like Cream bun?", Jack asked as if he could get something else for her. 

"No, it's just the cream I don't have a liking for", Teresa politely refused. 

"Yeah, like repels like, she was sweeter than that cream which was applied on that bun", it's Jack's mind voice. By then took snapshots in order to have an everlasting memories.They kept Kit Kat as bet for the best photographer. But no one bought, no one got. Crazy them...!!! 

Finally, the time had come to bid a farewell to her. He was not sure when would they meet again. He went all the way to the bus stop to send her off to home. 

On the way back to his room he cherished the beautiful moments he had with her. 

At last, atleast, it was not a huge hell day but a day to remember forever. 

"Cómo te llamas baby?", it was his Dad this time. He's back on his regular schedule!

Thank You...



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