Let's Confront COVID-19

Hello everyone. This is Boopathy. 

The Corona virus is a type of virus which causes respiratory illness in human beings and animals. The Respiratory disease which is caused by corona virus is termed as  COVID-19. This virus is further classified into 2 categories SARS and MERS. The SARS stands for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome which normally spreads from Bats. Whereas MERS stands for Middle East Respiratory Syndrome which spreads from camels, it was spreaded in and around Saudi Arabia. 

         According to CDC [ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ] the COVID-19 's Incubation period on human bodies lasts from 5 to 7 days. If one's immune system was stronger enough to fight against corona in those 7 days, people would not attain Death.  So we must not be panic and take certain measures to develop our Immunity power. 

         In order to develop our Immunity power, we should start making our food practices more effective, like consuming Amla juice and Amla Lambative ( நெல்லிக்காய் லேகியம்). And also any sort of Vitamin - C food such as Lemon, orange, grape, pine-apple. We all have studied that Vitamin - C enhances our immunity power, but few people ignores those items as they were afraid that they would suffer in cold.

         When our Immune system is strong, even if the COVID-19 enters our body, we may overcome that within 5 to 7 days.

          People who attain their death due to COVID - 19 possess weaker immune system, who were already affected by some other diseases and getting rid off it, Children and also aged people. But Normal people and adults with good immune  system will not get defeated easily. So, we must not be afraid of that.

       Now-a-days people around the world wears mask in order to secure themselves from the virus. But such mask controls only Upto certain limit . COVID-19 is not the flu. It's worse.There are chances for such virus to penetrate into the mask. So instead of that ,herbs such as Edible camphor / Raw camphor ( பச்சை கற்பூரம்),pepper( மிளகு ),Basil (ஓமம்) were made into powder and folded as a mixture for inhalation. By Inhaling such powder it purifies our Respiratory system. This Respiration Process gives better safety than the Mask.

          In Olden days, if people can't find out the nature of fever, they call those fever as Evil fever or Demon fever (பேய் காய்ச்சல்) . It refers to invisible Germs, Virus and Bacteria. On such time people used to lit up  Benzoin Resin smoke(சாம்பிராணி புகை)  in order to purify or clean the air by killing invisible virus, germs present in the air. It also calms the nerves and produces tranquility.

         Already we have come across many diseases such as Swine flu, H191 [ Human Influenza A], Chikungunya. Our Government Hospitals provides the familiar herbal drug " Andrographis Paniculata" (நிலவேம்பு கசாயம்) , Papaya leaf juice which were recommended and advised by many medical practioners. They play a major role in prevention of diseases. It prevents reduction of platelets in the blood. And we have been exporting above a tonne of Nilavembu to China.

      People have a fear that consumption of Non - vegetarian food items causes Corona. But it's not true. Consumption of clean food secures us from Corona,whether it may be Veg or Non-veg. 

Normally it starts with sourness of throat, consuming Glycyrrhiza Glabra(அதிமதுரம்) cures such throat infection.It was in our customary practice that people use to play Yellow water proof festival (மஞ்சள் நீராட்டம்). People pour turmeric water on everyone in order to celebrate such festival.That thing kills the virus in and around the human surroundings. Bacteria survives everywhere but virus survive only on living organisms. But Corona virus have some specifications. It last in air for 3 hours, copper - 4 hours, Cardboard - 24 hours, plastic and Stainless Steel - 2 to 3 days. 

Thank You...

Take Care...



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