Electromagnetic Spectrum in the simplest way

Electromagnetic waves  are one of the integral parts of our lives. But it's strange that we lack understanding about it. It's been said in the most understandable way here. 


Crest: The highest point in any wave.

Trough: The lowest point in any wave.

Wavelength: The distance between two consecutive crests or troughs. 

We are familiar about VIBGYOR. White light consists of seven colors; they are Violet, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange and Red. VIBGYOR is an acronym to represent them. 

Violet is the upper end and Red is the lower. 

Starting from V to R the wavelengths go increasing. 

And above the upper end there are waves called 'Ultraviolet'(named w.r.t frequency).

Below the lower end there are waves called 'Infrared'(named w.r.t frequency).

Now it's clear about the spectrum and how they are named. 

And still above the UV are X-rays and Gamma Cosmic rays. They are known as ionizing radiation. That is they ionize the particles around or through which they pass through. 

Still below the IR are microwave, radio and very low frequency. They are non-ionizing. 

Now when wavelengths increase, frequency decreases. So from V to R, the frequencies decrease. 

We use VHF, UHF, SHF in the radio spectrum for communication purposes.

Find out what they are!

Stay tuned for the next post.

Thank You...



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