Protected Tribal Areas under ILP in India-The North-East

Hello! Everyone. This is Boopathy.

                      ILP [ Inner Line Permit ] is a         permit or obligatory document that Indian citizens from other states require to enter the North-Eastern states of India.

                 It originated from Colonial Rule, 'Inner line' notified under Bengal Eastern Frontier Regulations,1873 by British in order to protect the commercial interest.

                 After Independence, Government of India retained the ILP to safeguard the interest of Indigenous tribal communities of North-Eastern parts.

                Initially ILP was given only to the states of Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland and Mizoram. From 01-01-2020 Manipur also got included in ILP regime.Meanwhile Assam, Meghalaya and Sikkim also raised demand for ILP in their states.

               It also act like a visa for 4 North-Eastern states.Such permits differ for tourists,tenants and other employment purposes. Outsiders cannot take away any rubber, wax, ivory or other forest product or any book, diary, manuscript, maps, picture, photograph or article of religious or scientific interest outside these inner permit areas.
      How to get?
                         - Directly or online channels
                         - Permit will be issued by the state government of the state you want to visit.
                         - such permit would be filled with details of dates and duration of travel and places which can be visited.

              Also in Constitution of India there are provisions for welfare of tribal people i,e., 5th and 6th Schedule.

              6th Schedule deals with "Provision as to the Administration of Tribal areas" in state of Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura and Mizoram.which was based on the report of Bardoloi committee.It suggests the need of administration that allows tribal areas to develop which were under developed at the time of British administration.

              This Schedule was finally incorporated under Article - 244(2) and Article -275(1) of Constitution of India. Where Article - 244 states "Administration of Scheduled areas and Tribal areas" and Article -244(2) explains " The provision of Sixth Schedule shall apply to the administration of tribal areas in the state of Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura and Mizoram.

                These provisions were meant to protect tribals from exploitation and preserve their social customs and Ethnic values.

                 10 areas in North-East are registered as autonomous districts out of those 3 autonomous districts each in Assam, Meghalaya and Mizoram. One in Tripura.

               Assam - Bodoland Territorial Council
                            - Karbi Anglong Autonomous council
                            - Dima Hasao Autonomous District Council

               Meghalaya - Garo Hills ADC
                                    - Jainta Hills ADC
                                    - Khari Hills ADC


               Tripura - Tripura Tribal Areas ADC

               Mizoram - Chalmar ADC
                                 - Lai ADC
                                 - Mara ADC

      *ADC - Autonomous District Council

                  These ADCs were responsible for Health, Roads, Education and other regulatory programs such as trade, Agriculture ,etc.

                  Governor can either alter the boundaries or names of the tribal areas.

                    There was a long time conflict between local Government and ADCs in such states. But under the 73rd and 74th amendment it was stated that council have more power than local government.

        By then on January, 2019 Article -280 was amended in order to increase powers of Autonomous Councils i.e., to provide greater financial resources to the councils that administer the tribal areas of Assam, Meghalaya, Mizoram and Tripura and also enable them to undertake development works.

                 Other laws favouring Tribals :-

                     - Scheduled District Act, 1874

                     - Foreign protected areas order 1958

                 Declared Protected areas
                      - whole of Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Mizoram, Sikkim.

                      - part of Jammu and Kashmir(Jammu & UT of Ladhak, now), Rajasthan and Uttarkhand

Thank You...



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