Indian Armed Forces and Armed Forces Flag Day

Do we know why and how the Indian Armed Forces Day and Armed Forces Flag Day are celebrated? Read on to know more!

The Indian Armed Forces have 4 braches/arms: 1.Indian Army. 2. Indian Navy. 3. Indian Airforce. 4. Indian Coast Guard. 

Indian Army

The Indian Army is the land-based branch and the largest component of the Indian Armed Forces. The President of India is the Supreme Commander of the Indian Army, and it is commanded by the Chief of Army Staff, who is a four-star general.

Motto: "Service Before Self"

Founded: 1 April 1895

Headquarters: New Delhi

Chief of the Army Staff (COAS): General Bipin Rawat, PVSM, UYSM, AVSM, YSM, SM, VSM, ADC

Commander-in-Chief: President of India.

Size: 1,237,117 active personnel; 9,60,000 reserve personnel.

Role: Ground warfare.

Official website:


Indian Army Day: 15 January, every year. 

Why Indian Army Day is celebrated?

Army Day is celebrated on 15 January every year in India, in recognition of Field Marshal Kodandera M. Cariappa's (then a Lieutenant General) taking over as the first Commander-in-Chief of the Indian Army from General Sir Francis Butcher, the last British Commander-in-Chief of India, on 15 January 1949.

How Indian Army Day is celebrated?

The day is celebrated in the form of parades and other military shows in the national capital New Delhi as well as in all headquarters. On 15 January 2018, India celebrated its 70th Indian Army Day in New Delhi. Army Day marks a day to salute the valiant soldiers who sacrificed their lives to protect the country and its citizens. On 15 January 2020 let's also salute the valiant soldiers. 

Venue: Amar Jawan Jyoti at India Gate
and at all Army Offices and HQs.

Indian Navy

The Indian Navy is the naval branch of the Indian Armed Forces. The President of India is the Supreme Commander of the Indian Navy. The Chief of Naval Staff, a four-star admiral, commands the navy. 

Motto: Sham no Varunah (शं नो वरूण‌:): May the Lord of the Water be auspicious unto us.

Chief of the Naval Staff (CNS): Admiral Karambir Singh, PVSM, AVSM

Commander-in-chief: President of India.

Headquarters location: New Delhi

Founded: 5 September 1612.

Role: Naval warfare, force projection, sealift,defence deterrence.

Official website:


Indian Navy Day: 4 December, every year. 

Why Indian Navy Day is celebrated?

Indian Navy Day is celebrated on 4 December every year to recognize the achievements and role of the Indian Navy to the country. 4 December was chosen as on that day in 1971, during Operation Trident, the Indian Navy sank four Pakistani vessels including PNS Khaibar, killing hundreds of Pakistani Navy personnel. On this day, those killed in the Indo-Pakistan War of 1971 are also remembered.

How Indian Navy Day is celebrated?

During the days leading up to Navy Day, during Navy Week and the days prior to that, various events take place such as an open sea swimming competition, ships are open for visitors and school children, there is a veteran sailors lunch, performances by the Naval Symphonic Orchestra take place, an Indian Navy Inter School Quiz Competition happens, a Navy Half Marathon as well as an air display for school children and the beating retreat and tattoo ceremonies happen.

Venue: Pan-India.

Indian Airforce

The Indian Air Force (IAF) is the air arm of the Indian Armed Forces. Its complement of personnel and aircraft assets ranks fourth amongst the air forces of the world. It was officially established as an auxiliary air force of the British Empire which honoured India's aviation service during World War II with the prefix Royal. After India gained independence from the United Kingdom in 1947, the name Royal Indian Air Force was kept and served in the name of Dominion of India. With the government's transition to a Republic in 1950, the prefix Royal was removed.

Motto: नभः स्पृशं दीप्तम्(Sanskrit): Nabhaḥ spr̥śaṁ dīptam:'Touch the sky with Glory'.

Founded: 8 October 1932.

Chief of the Air Staff(CAS): Air Chief Marshal Rakesh Kumar Singh Bhadauria, PVSM, AVSM, VM, ADC

Commander-in-chief:President of India. 

Headquarters: New Delhi. 

Role: Aerial Warfare. 

Official website:

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Size: 1,39,576 active personnel
Approx. 1,748+ aircraft.

Indian Airforce Day: 8 October, ever year. 

Why Indian Airforce Day is celebrated?

The Indian Air Force Day is celebrated on the day of inception of this force in India to aid the Army that was fighting on the land.

How Indian Airforce Day is celebrated?

Indian Air Force's Air Warrior drill team display rifle handling skills during Air Force Day celebrations in Hindon, on the outskirts of New Delhi. Suriya Kiran aerobatics team display air formations. All the 3 chiefs of the forces attend the ceremony. 

Venue: Hindon Airforce Station, near Loni Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh in the National Capital Region on the outskirts of Delhi.

Indian Coast Guard 

The Indian Coast Guard (ICG) is an armed force that protects India's maritime interests and enforces maritime law, with jurisdiction over the territorial waters of India, including its contiguous zone and exclusive economic zone. The Indian Coast Guard was formally established by the Coast Guard Act, 1978 of the Parliament of India as an independent Armed force of India. It operates under the Ministry of Defence. The Coast Guard works in close cooperation with the Indian Navy, the Department of Fisheries, the Department of Revenue (Customs) and the Central and State police forces.

Motto:  वयम् रक्षामः:
Vayam Rakṣāmaḥ:
We protect.

Founded: 18 August 1978.

Director General: Director General Krishnaswamy Natrajan, PTM, TM

Commander-in-chief: President of India. 

Headquarters: New Delhi. 

Role: Protection of Maritime Interests of the union. 

Official website:


Indian Coast Guard Day: 1 February, every year. 

Why Indian Coast Guard Day is celebrated?

It commemorates the raising day of the Indian Coast Guard. 

How Indian Coast Guard Day is celebrated?

Traditional reception ceremony is held for chief guest and dignitaries. Raising day cake is cut by the chief guest. Central and state authorities are present.

Venue: Jamnagar, Gujarat.

Futher to this

Alright, there's also a Armed Forces Flag Day in addition, this is exclusively for the Army, the Navy and the Airforce. 

Armed Forces Flag Day: 7 December, every year. 

The Armed Forces Flag Day or the Flag Day of India is a day dedicated to India towards collection of funds from people of India for the welfare of the Indian Armed Forces personnel. It has been observed annually in India on December 7 since 1949.

It's better to donate for a purpose other than donating in temple hundis and Aarthi plates, because we're unsure and don't care about the donations. If we can donate to the Flag Day fund, it reaches out to the widows and dependents of the soldiers of our motherland. Have you donated? If not consider donating for a cause.

Donations can be done online through platforms like Google Pay, Paytm, PhonePe etc., don't believe offline means unless authentic. 

Thank You..

Jai Hind.



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