Keezhadi(கீழடி, कीलडि )-A latent civilization

We know very well about the Indus Valley Civilization and its Culture.

Kheezhadi Excavation Site

But, do we know a young and parallel civilization which existed in the river banks of Vaigai river in the south of India?

Most probably not, because, we Indians ignore whichever is South. And also we split India into North, South, Northeast even when we have one nation. We(maybe ego)refuse to accept the truth and our government is taking steps to impose(imposing is different from people learning it by choice) a single language which is not native to the different people of India.

In the north of India, we have the Devanagiri Script. Similarly, we have a version of Bhrami Script called Tamil-Bhrami or Tamizhili(தமிழி) in which Tamil is written.

History of Tamil Script

The Lemurian Continent, which is sunken underwater in the Indian ocean contains shreds of evidence and proofs of, not only, Tamil being the oldest language, but also several other cultural and social advancements.

Kumari Kandam(Kumari Continent)

But we always suppress Tamil and use a single word Madrasi to define the whole of Southern India. The time is not too far that solid shreds of evidence would make-believe the world of the oldest living language. Even though the world might believe, the north won't, is a sad truth(This is not a pessimistic statement rather it is a realistic one).

Keezhadi(கீழடி, a village in modern Madurai District):
        The erstwhile Pandya Kingdom, 13 km(30 mins drive) from modern Madurai city, Tamilnadu, India. 2600 years ago, 6th century BC. One of the several excavation sites along the banks of Vaigai river. One of the most advanced cities in the world.


Keezhadi will rewrite the history of India for the following findings(These are on and off the site, opinions too):

Finding 1:

         Be it Harrapan Civilization, Egyptian or Mayan Civilization, now the places are deserted and have become graveyards. There is a slight change in the Vaigai Valley Civilization(Keezhadi) that the erstwhile place where the civilization is located is not yet, and never be deserted. People had been living there and they have been living there and they will have been living there. We're living on the same land where there was no electricity, no transportation, no electronic gadgets but with the use of the same.


Finding 2:
        It's a planned city with well-planned drainage or sewage built using bricks and well-paved roads. Some of our population still lives without a proper drainage system, to be precise our government treats 'em like that!

Drainage with bricks

Underground systems

Finding 3:
          Pipes built using clay were made and used. It's an advanced sign of civilization, Isn't it?

Clay Aquesystem

Finding 4:
        Pottery made by heating clay from inside with designs on 'em were used. Complex designs were craved with the use of some animal's bone, to make sure that it doesn't break during the process.


Finding 5:
         Chessboard and Chess pieces were made and played using Ivory of elephants. This shows how royal we lived.

Ivory Chessboard and Pieces

Finding 6:
         A total of 5000 artefacts are found from civilization. The most important reason for political interference from the centre on this issue is that not a single object anything religious, there is nothing that can relate to Gods. So, from this, we infer that Tamils who lived 2600 years ago didn't have any concept of God. Secular! Not Atheism probably.

Items Found

Finding 7:
          Coins from around the world viz Roman coins are found. Even before Jesus was born, we had a strong trade link with Rome!

Coins found

Finding 8:
        With workshops, weaving machines(handloom), factories and industries were also functional.

Proof for Industries

Finding 9:
          No sign for Mangalsutra or Holy thread or necklace which the groom wears around her neck was found. So, from this we may infer that Tamils might have lived without the concept of marriage, they might have lived with the person of their choice, they live together and the trust for each other kept 'em together.

Representational Image

Finding 10:
            Every house had proper toilets constructed and used. Making modern India ODF is a challenge! Haha! We implemented it 2600 years ago. Remember, in modern India getting to use a toilet is a luxury for several BPL families. Ask your opinion of any eastern traveller from countries like Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Bhutan whether North or South of India looks more developed! I'm sure you'll know the reality.

Finding 11:
         Footprints of an animal were found on one of the bricks, this may be because the animal just stepped on it before it could get dried up. When studied and opinions from forest ranges are collated, it's found to be a dog bigger in size, maybe a hound sized dog which when team up with 3 other dogs of the same kind can even bring down a lion!

Representational Image

Finding 12:
           Golden dices were found. Snake and ladders might be played with golden dices too.

Representational Image

Finding 13:
         The central government is reluctant to fund this excavation. The ASI(Archeological Survey of India) officer was transferred and even after he filed a petition in the supreme court the government is reluctant to post him back in Keezhadi. The fund given to excavate several sites of the Indus Valley Civilization is ₹ 100s of crores. For Tamil Civilizations the government gave ₹ 55 lakhs only. Then it was taken over by TNAD(Tamilnadu Archeological Department).

Finding 14:
               Without punctuation marks, it would be difficult to understand English. Unlike Devanagiri, Tamizhi doesn't have any punctuation marks, even full stops. Words were modified accordingly to make understand. 

Finding 15:
           There are similarities between the Indus Signs and the Keezhadi graffiti. From this, we infer that we are made to believe that the Indus Valley people migrated and settled in the northern plains of the subcontinent. But the harsh truth is revealed that they either reached till here or they had links here. A new theory would arise stating that the north people of India had originated from modern Iran or Iraq and the people of the south might be deemed to be the natives, secular natives!

Finding 16(opinion):
       The so-called Hindutuva government is reluctant because of the fact that if Tamils go religion less it'll affect their vote bank and their objectives of reducing secular India into a single religious country.

Note: Every artefact found was of the general public and not of any kings. 

If this continues we'll be in no position to proudly proclaim that "There is no other secular country in the world like India".


Change your thoughts. We're different yet a single unit. Each and every single vote matters. Think about it. Don't ever let politics interfere with our way of living.

Thank You.

Tamil Vaazgha(தமிழ் வாழ்க, Hail Tamil)!

Jai Hind!



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