Jaunt in KRP Dam Park

On 26 JUL 2019, some final year students of the Government Law College, Dharmapuri, Tamilnadu, India embarked on a trip to the KRP Dam.

Arranging this trip was not so easy, it was done with difficulty. Thanks to the organiser Annai Sathya Akka(Akka(Tamil): Sister).

When heard for the first time, I could do none other than to relate the name with "Annai Teresa" (Annai: Tamil: Mother).

I've never met them before, neither they did. But it all just happened!

Thanks for lending me your space.

Engineering students, do it in the name of Industrial Vist(IV), most probably for the last three years of their college life, however, they are entitled to go on an Industrial Vist(IV) every year. Some batches take time to get along amongst themselves that they get to taste it only twice, in the last two years. It's not just necessary it's an essential thing.

We were a group of 24+3, 24 regular students and 3 outlanders, me and two relatives of the organiser. The organiser was so sane that she made arrangements to fill up the seats in case someone absconds at the last minute quoting reasons.

As usual, as it happens in every student-planed voyage, there were potential delays. My friend Boopathy got me introduced with his classmates, in the backdrop of hyper-excited and high-strung folks chattering. Meanwhile, the desperate-to-start chaps started showing their responsibilities.

I was once called "Mister" which I hate the most. "Don't call me mister, I deserve more than that", I wanted to express gently but remained silent considering my outlandish nature and bore it.

Chandra enquired about morning appetite and gave her tiffin box for our breakfast. Some snacks and some fruits made it to our breakfast.

He's a kind of a famous guy among his classmates. Some made sarcastic remarks about him, throwing questions on how can I bear his hilarious talks for years as he kept them entertained by his mischiefs. Kind of a sweet-torture thing.

By the way, it is not done by him alone. His partner in crime, Vignesh, was omnipresent with him. The duo seemed to be the ones who keep a class going smoothly. They're the reason I could get a chance for this nice trip.

The van actually started from a temple, after prayers and crushing lemons to avoid accidents. Breaking coconut means breaking ego, that too happened. In simple words, it was a traditional start. I maintained my secular look.

Music started and reluctant folks rolled eyeballs at random faces. Here came the Jackson of their class Boopathy and the RJ who speaks nonstop, Vignesh, to the rescue of their hesitations.

Everyone came out of their shell to enjoy themselves overtime and express their joy.

Some danced like mad. Some just jumped, hardly giving a look of dance.

Some were in uniforms and when asked they quoted the failed attempts made earlier for a trip after which they were left with no option than to attend the boring lectures of law.

Some seemed well matured and didn't participate but encouraged all.

There were some Divyaang Jan, they just looked like one but never were. They're so excited, encouraged the people who danced and were humming songs.

As far as the songs are concerned, folks liked folk songs than any other genres. I stayed calm, for two reasons, one, I never danced for folk genres, second, that's their space, let them enjoy.

We started by taking group selfies. Seeing the Dam Park some wanted to have more and more photos to preserve them as antiques. Some avoided their poor phone cameras and preferred ones with high quality.

Selva Mani seemed to be the happiest person because she didn't have her own phone! Over the years Technology has got us trapped into a net. But this trip was beyond it and many wanted to speak out than to waste time on phones. But still, the status kings and queens were around.

Some went to dip themselves in the waters of the Thenpennai river. Others managed to procure dead fishes to have photos with. The fishes were dead! I wondered how. Water waves pushed fishes, forcefully into the gaps of rocks and stones and hurt themselves, a man with a nerdy look, Yeshwanth told us. I wish we could have fried them to feed our hunger.

Vignesh with a dead fish


Friendship is a form of secularism. Girls came down to near the waters on the backside of the dam even though they're afraid to; boys helped them do so. We had a great photo session.
Backside of Dam

Sindhuja was found saying, "I'm equal to 10 men". Women empowerment right! It's all fun. She got us together for a group photo for the first time.

Group Photo

There're several unique features of this trip. Annai Sathya bought sweets for us, which we started with. Tamilnadu is known for its hospitality, I experienced it on the ground. I got several pieces of Khovas from various friends. I can't eat much sweet, so refused to get from some. I wish they were chicken fry instead of Khovas.

Seniors bought some refreshments and fruits. I had these too in immense amounts, which others didn't get to. I no longer felt like an outsider.

The Krishnagiri Reservoir Project(KRP) Dam wore a festival look, but the weather conditions were dull and cloudy.

We got down the dam after seniors urging us to get down so that we could have lunch. But we're already full after the kind of enjoyment we had.

We descended down to the right side of the dam park, had photos. We planned to play hide-and-seek but there was a slight change of plan and we began with the run-and-catch game. I was so impressed by the attitude of Yeshwanth who targeted and caught me after I gave an open challenge that no one can catch me.

TikTok fever started spreading. But this fever affects people around, not the ones who actually have it. Thank God for making it vanish as hunger struck.

During the wait for making lunch in the Dhaba, we talked it out. After an hour-long wait, we had a nice lunch by 1500 hrs lately. Fish and fish curry made us eat up to neck level.

Photo conscious people shouted to remind them before photos were just clicked, yeah some girls!
During the trip back to College from Dhuduganahalli to Dharmapuri, we enjoyed a lot even if there was a chance that some may vomit after a heavy lunch. The back trip made me feel like everyone's familiar with me.

There were some backbenchers too. Backbenchers in class do mischiefs. Backbenchers in tour remain in their seat and watch the whole activity. They made it a tour by shouting it out and adding fuel to the fire, which made dancers enjoy.

Towards the end, the activity lessened as folks disintegrated, got down one by one.

Everyone assured every other one that they won't disclose this through posting photos or videos. There's even suspicion in their College that they might have arranged something like this.

Anyway, rules are made to be broken. The law collegers did exactly the same.

Photo Animation

I heard feedback after the trip just ended. I didn't have all your phone numbers. That's why I dedicate this to thank you all.

Finally, I thank everyone who agreed to take me along with you. I experienced a tour even after expiry of my college life. Thank God I'm blessed with an extra tour trip.

I got to know all your names:

2) Mani
3)Hari Haran
8)Mohan Raj
9)Sathya Narayanan
20)Annai Sathya

I take this wonderful opportunity to request you to follow my blog.

And Happy Friendship Day!!!!!!

If something is left behind, leave it in the comments.

                                                                                                                                                Thank You.


Note: Article authored by two.


  1. Sparkling memories just presented just like that !!!... Haven't left anything that happened there!!!... It reminds how much u got impressed!!!...thanks for being
    arun!!!..very happy friendship day!!!... Waiting for the next scene !!!


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