Room 39

       "SECRETS", can be easily divided into two, natural and man-made.

      Room 39 is one of the man-made secrets. It's of North Korean National. It's located in the North Korean HQ, Pyongyang, 3rd floor, in Room number 39 and thus the name Room 39.

       There are some talks stating that the happenings inside this room control some activities around the globe.

HQ N.Korea

     As a Tamil saying goes, that, if one is addicted to land, liquor or lassie, he/she can't live life peacefully. For example, Alexander, the greatest conqueror history has ever seen, died because of his craze for land territory without enjoying life. Many are drug and liquor addicts. One who goes head over heels with a girl/boy, he/she will perish. Be it a male or female.

      This implies that if one can make someone fall for any one of these, that someone can be used even as a slave. This is what the technique employed in Room 39.

     Even after being isolated by most counties, North Korea stands as one of the powerful counties. Why? The answers to all such questions lie inside Room 39.

   Firstly, they print currency note in there, every country! If you had a nice breakfast, say, vada pav, the onion you had was imported from may be from Pakistan, the tomatoes may be from Bangladesh. It doesn't mean that we are not producing any of these, but for sure, we don't produce sufficient amounts. That's why we import. It's clear that we need to have good relations with our neighbours to get these. But how would North Korea do when they are isolated. Simple they print all country's currency notes with high accuracy and precision and make use of the black markets of those counties to buy goods.

      Secondly, there are around 50,000 people who work for North Korea, all as spies spread all over the world. Working in several other countries, they collect information on the serial numbers of currency notes of those counties in which they work and dimensions of currency in circulation and hand them over to their country. They give their salaries also in foreign currencies to their government to aid them to buy goods from the same foreign country.

      Thirdly, drugs which are banned around the world are reportedly manufactured in there and sold in black markets of several other countries to make foreign currency. They have a lab to develop secret formulae to prepare disguised drugs, which make them easy to breach through the gates of customs personnel.

      Fourth, they train some beautiful girls to seduce other country leaders to blackmail and get favours. One of the American presidents Bill Clinton was reportedly trapped this way. But, the US denies charges as it may affect their security.

        Yeah. They use all the above-mentioned tricks to lure people and get their work done. And that's how they produce and test nuclear weapons.

     What is your opinion on it? Should Room 39 be scrapped? Or is it good for them? Leave comment.




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