Elon Musk
We're all humans. We all have our own desires, from wanting to become a billionaire to serve mankind before we die. But, have you ever thought about dying in the mars?
Has anyone thought of taking our human race to planet mars before we perish? One such person is Elon Musk.
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Elon Musk |
Even though he's one of the top 100 billionaires in the world, he was born in a very normal family in a normal country. Luck; from Steve Jobs to Bill Gates had their luck factor worked upon somewhere in their lives. But for this person luck seldom worked. He was hated, beaten up, went through every sour-tasting life experiences.
He's the 21st most influential person(December 2016, Forbes list)in the world. Currently, he's the 40th riches person in the world.
Born in 1971, in Pretoria, South Africa. His father an engineer, mother a model. He's totally an introvert. He was bullied then for his nature as such he was admitted to hospital for being pushed down a staircase during his school, he hated to go to school for the same. Imagine, he had all his ideas, opinions within him and never uttered a word, the same sobbing kid which we were been during our kindergartners.
At the age of 12, he got more and more interested in computers and digital machines. Meanwhile, misfortune hit, his mother and father got divorced. Then, he was left only with his passion, computer. He played several computer games. When he asked his computer teacher to teach him coding for developing his own computer game, as he's interested in developing one; he was astonished to know that the teacher himself knew less about it. Only bookish knowledge!
At his 12 there was no easily accessible internet was available and so he strived hard to learn the codings by himself through the web and finally developed a computer game. He even sold it for $500.
After divorce, his father and he were not in good terms as his father became a drunkard and started bringing random females to home and got wasted. Unable to withstand his father's tortures he left home for Canada. Continues his studies, goes to the US for higher studies. Wait! Something is missing. Yah! He got a girlfriend, got married to her; had 5 children, a twin and a triplet. But after all these, he was still a student.
Then it was very difficult for him to run his family balancing his educational expenses.
In spite of this, he started a company called Zip2 which is a global internet link software, after seeing a bubble on the internet. But it didn't get any appreciation or was not of significant use except for the newspaper delivery agencies.
He took loans from several people who he knew and started an innovative company named x.com, for transferring money all over the world digitally thereby saving lots of time and lengthy processes. Later, online shopping giant ebay.com wanted to buy it as it would be of great use for them. He denied but as he held only a few shares he was forced to give up by other major shareholders as they wanted to make some money. Later, the company came to be known as PayPal. Famous right!
Again he took loans, hired people started SpaceX; world's first private space exploration agency. Generally, only governments run space agencies as it needs lots and lots of money. He made all plans to transport the human race to Mars. First test rocket, failed. Took loans for the next. The second test failed. Took loans with more difficulty as none agreed to lend. Managed to gather some money, invested even employees' money. Third, failed again. He didn't quit. Again invested money from several sources like friends, employees etc. Fourth, fired successfully! Received a project from NASA the next day! He just didn't quit even when people advised him to. Seeing all these his wife left him in between. He became a divorcee. Life became even more difficult.
The speciality of this rocket system is that it takes off drops people on board lands back again in the same position. Also reduced costs by 80%.
Later he bought Tesla, an electric car manufacturer as it was going on loss. He was just intelligent enough to save energy and believed in the sustained exploitation of resources. Now, Tesla is the top electric car manufacturer in the world. Consider the oppression he faced from all diesel and petrol car companies. He also started a company named Solar(self-explanatory)as his Tesla cars need to be charged. It's also the 2nd largest solar energy generator in the world.
Currently, he runs several projects viz. Hyperloop, it transports people through 400 km in just half an hour. Also, Neurolink and so on.
The most interesting part of his current projects is that he's building rockets to transport about 80,000 humans to mars by 2040. Plans have already been drawn, the building of rockets is underway.
After hearing all this we infer that "You can quit only if you die if you're determined to achieve your dreams" as said by Elon in an interview.
He's 41 now. He'll die in mars as he desired in his childhood.
He's a real life "IRON MAN"
Even after hearing this we all just speak rubbish about the caste and religion of this actor and that actress and pickup fights in the name of fans club. All rubbish.
Let's all consider our race as a unit. And take it to the next level. Let's extend our race's timeline even beyond the apocalypse.
Mind-blowing 😍