
Showing posts from July, 2019

Visiting Athivaradhar

With three temporary bus stands created, 2500 special police troops deployed and most part of the city traffic diverted,and several small special busses plying to the temple outskirts to enable easy navigation to the same; Kanchipuram, the city of thousand temples wears a festival-coloured look for 48 days(1 Jul 19 to 17 Aug 19) Athi-Varadhar Athi(Tamil)= Fig tree, Varadhan(Tamil) or Vardhan= one of the names of Lord Vishnu. Full of history and mystery, lost and found decades ago, underwater for about 350 years, "Athivaradhar" is the main diety of the "Sri Varadharaja Perumal Temple", Kanchipuram. Wondering why is it Varadhar rather than Varadhan? In Tamilnadu, people add an "ar" as a suffix to any name to make it more respectful. That's the reason why the Traveling Ticket Examiners(TTEs) are better known as TTR(TTE+"ar") instead of TTE. And also the names viz. Vardhan, Vandhna, Parshuram are more no...

Elon Musk

We're all humans. We all have our own desires, from wanting to become a billionaire to serve mankind before we die. But, have you ever thought about dying in the mars? Has anyone thought of taking our human race to planet mars before we perish? One such person is Elon Musk. Elon Musk  Even though he's one of the top 100 billionaires in the world, he was born in a very normal family in a normal country. Luck; from Steve Jobs to Bill Gates had their luck factor worked upon somewhere in their lives. But for this person luck seldom worked. He was hated, beaten up, went through every sour-tasting life experiences. He's the 21st most influential person(December 2016, Forbes list)in the world. Currently, he's the 40th riches person in the world. Born in 1971, in Pretoria, South Africa. His father an engineer, mother a model. He's totally an introvert. He was bullied then for his nature as such he was admitted to hospital for being pushed down a stair...

Room 39

       "SECRETS", can be easily divided into two, natural and man-made.       Room 39 is one of the man-made secrets. It's of North Korean National. It's located in the North Korean HQ, Pyongyang, 3rd floor, in Room number 39 and thus the name Room 39.               There are some talks stating that the happenings inside this room control some activities around the globe. HQ N.Korea      As a Tamil saying goes, that, if one is addicted to land, liquor or lassie , he/she can't live life peacefully. For example, Alexander, the greatest conqueror history has ever seen, died because of his craze for land territory without enjoying life. Many are drug and liquor addicts. One who goes head over heels  with a girl/boy, he/she will perish. Be it a male or female.       This implies that if one can make someone fall for any ...

Perspective pieces, Marathon

           On 12 Jul 2019, Christian College of Engineering and Technology, Oddanchatram, Tamilnadu, India, organized a marathon as a part of its founder's day celebration.            Marathon is a long run which is 42 km long. A mini-marathon is half of a full marathon ie 21 km. Ours can't even be considered as a cross-country race as we ran through the main and metalled road, there was no running through any countryside. And we're told it's an 8.5 km run. Wondering what! Here started the first thought.            Roads and bridges were under construction. Weather apps may show the weather is good to run through. But the construction yard made it contradicted. This is how the environment gets polluted by particulate matter and air quality decreases. But what about the workers who had to water the cement ridden area so that dust doesn't fly into the respiratory systems of living beings...

Area 51 Secrets

AREA 51(Sample) There are some questions in this world which remain unanswered even if paid for; for example, Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose, an Indian, India's biggest coverup, whose death still remains a mystery, one such thing is "AREA 51"...... For years, information about AREA 51 was unavailable to the world since the US government rejected its very existence. Here, we're gonna see 10 facts about AREA 51. What is it?             It's a detachment of the US Airbase: Edward Airforce base and USA's secret project.  Location:   Underground of a runway, in Las Vegas, Nevada Desert, roughly with 40 sq. km. area. You can't visit AREA 51, it is prohibited for the general public. But if you're really interested, you can see it from, Tikaboo peak, which is 42 km away from AREA 51, you can see it with binoculars from there, seems absurd? but that's the nearest place from where it can just be seen! Janet flights form various parts of US...