
Covid-19 Vaccines - To put an end to this pandemic.

Hi Peeps!!! This is Boopathy...             These days,  a novel coronavirus called SARS-CoV-2 has resulted in the outbreak of a respiratory illness known as COVID-19. It took away many people lives irrespective of their ages. And it's spell goes on increasing day by day rapidly. Many medical teams, pharmaceutical groups and scientists are striving to control it. And it still remains a nightmare for everyone of us. But, we got some progress in fighting against it. Now, many countries have made their contributions to stop it's rage.             Over 140 vaccines are under pre-clinical trials in which the vaccines will be given to animals such as mice and monkeys. 19 in Phase 1 i.e. safety trials in which the vaccine would be given to small number of people to test safety and dosage as well as stimulation of immune system. 13 in the Phase 2 i.e. expanded trials in which the vaccine will be given to hu...

Urgent: Objection for Draft EIA 2020

Environmental Impact Assessment or EIA is the process or study which predicts the effect of a proposed industrial/infrastructural project on the environment. It prevents the proposed activity/project from being approved without proper oversight or taking adverse consequences into account India's new EIA draft has been widely criticised for its problematic changes in rules. Many say most of the provisions in the new draft of EIA proves to be a regressive departure from the earlier version. Here is a list few changes proposed by MoEFCC (Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change) proposed in the draft: a. The new draft allows for post-facto approval for projects, meaning that the clearances for projects can be awarded even if they have started construction without securing environmental clearances. b. Public consultation process under the draft notification is reduced from 30 days to 20 days giving less time to the public to submit their responses during a public h...

Christening the Naval Vessels of India: Decoded

Every time, the Navy conducts some naval exercises, we read about the ships participating. The Navy does a rescue operation we read about the ships involved in the newspapers. That's it? Nay! Some of us even look around the web to know more. We would have known the names of the vessels but their naming still remains a mystery to many. This post addresses this very issue. Let's start with who names them.  The Internal Nomenclature Committee (INC) at the Ministry of Defence is responsible for naming ships and submarines. The Assistant Chief of Naval Staff heads the INC, and other members include representatives from the historical section of the ministry and the archaeology department of the human resource development ministry.  It is a very good tradition to name our ships and submarines after the various aspects of the Indian republic. Naming ships in this fashion allows us to address the diversity of India.  It's important to note that the first time in history, a s...

Cool Quotes from Tony Stark, Iron Man

They can't be compared but anyway, Tony Stark is cooler. Here are some cool quotes from our coolest superhero. Behold! 1.  "If We Can’t Accept Limitations Then We’re No Better Than The Bad Guys." Although he was the antagonist in Captain America: Civil War, Tony Stark’s vision for the Avengers had its merits. He believed they should become accountable to some greater organization, whereas Captain America wanted the team to maintain control over its activities. Although Captain America’s position makes sense at first glance — who would willingly give up their free will, especially when the world’s at stake? — it could also be argued that a team of unelected vigilantes has no right to make life-or-death decisions for the global population. 2. "If You’re Nothing Without This Suit Then You Shouldn’t Have It." In  Spider-Man: Homecoming,  Peter Parker’s sense of self-worth becomes tied to his Spider-Man suit. Given that Tony Stark dealt with similar feelings in the p...

Superstition Mountains - A pack of mysteries

Hi Peeps!!! This is Boopathy.            Over 18 million years ago, due to volcanic activity, a volcano collapsed into itself and formed massive mountains. People called that as 'Thunder Mountain', 'The Crooked top Mountains' and 'Mountains of foam'. The local natives near the mountain had undergone several mysteries and weirdness, named it as "The Superstition Mountains".              The Superstition Mountains are the largest among the mountain ranges around the Phoenix , the most populated city and capital city of Arizona at USA. They have desert climate with summer temperature and also perennial source of water. They are about 5,024 feet tall and covers around 1,59,757 acres. People called it as a cursed mountain which consists of several mysteries such as hidden gold mines, story of giants, secret portals, strange guards and numerous hiking trails.  1. The Hidden Gold Min...

One in a billion: Captain Vikram Batra (Sher Shah)

7 July Needless to say the legend MS Dhoni was born on this day. And also, the 21st death anniversary of the Kargil war hero, let us remember the brave heart of India, Captain Vikram Batra. I'm sure MS Dhoni remembers this, he's also a soldier.  • Captain Batra sacrificed his life for the nation in the Kargil war of 1999. • He was born on September 9, 1974, in Palampur, Himachal Pradesh. • His military career started from 6 December, 1997 with Indian Army’s 13th battalion of the Jammu and Kashmir Rifles. • During the Kargil war, his responsibility included the capturing of Tololing mountain range and Pt 4875. The fight for Tiger hill was considered the fiercest battle in the Kargil war. • He went to capture Peak 5140, where he even engaged in hand-to-hand combat with the enemy soldiers and was leading the front. • He and his men planned to approach the hill from the rear, so as to take the enemies by surprise. They ascended the rocky cliff but as they neared the top...

Inspiring Quotes From Steve Rogers, Captain America

Here are some  awesome quotes from Captain America, an inspiration to many around the world, especially  for defense aspirants in India and mine too.  1. "You know the last time I was in Germany and saw a man standing above everybody else, we ended up disagreeing..." There's one thing Captain America doesn’t like, it’s bigotry and hatred.  2. " THEN  FINISH IT. CAUSE I’M WITH YOU TILL THE END OF THE LINE..." One thing Steve Rogers is known for is his loyalty to his friends. His closest and oldest friend is Bucky Barnes, and, at the end of Captain America: The Winter Soldier ,  he is willing to die instead of continuing to fight Barnes.This is real camaraderie! 3. "What makes you so special? Nothing, I'm just a kid from Brooklyn." Even after he becomes a super soldier, he has a lot of heart. His stubbornness and willingness to sacrifice himself were always there, even before he got the serum. This remin...