Who doesn't like 'El Profesor'? Assuredly, NONE! Here are awesome quotes by 'The Professor' Sometimes, a truce is the most important part of a war. When someone is in love, they looks through rose-tinted glasses. Everything's wonderful. They transform into a soft teddy bear that's smiling all the time. In this world everything is governed by balance. There's what you stand to gain and what you stand to lose. And in this moment they think they have nothing to lose. And when you believe you've got nothing to lose, you're overconfident. We will be the ones that are going to show them just how much they have to lose. Raquel Murillo: 'How long did it take to study every move we make, each time?' The Professor: 'To be honest - half my life.' The second any blood is shed, we'll no longer be Robin Hood, but just a bunch of plain motherfucking punks. Bella Ciao...Bella Ciao...Bella Ciao Ciao Ciao......