
Showing posts from March, 2020

NavIC : The Indian version GPS

Hi Peeps !!!  This is Boopathy .              The Indian Regional Navigation System is officially called as NavIC , which stands for Navigation with Indian Constellation. It is an independent and autonomous regional navigation system which has been designed by Indian Space Research Organization to provide accurate positioning in India. This Regional Geo-positioning system not only covers the country, also it extends 15,000 km around the Indian Boundaries. It aims to provide most accurate and precise location service to the Users.                                                        In 1999, During the Kargil war, the Pakistani troops entered into India, the primary thing sought by Indian Military was the space based Global Positioning System of America. But they denied it. This bitter experie...

Clearing the Clutter: India's States and Union Territories

From the formation of Andhra Pradesh as the first State of India in 1956 on a linguistic basis through the abrogation of Article 370 of the Indian Constitution which led to the creation of 2 new Union Territories of J&K and Ladhak to the unification of the UTs of Daman & Diu and Dadar & Nagar haveli, we might haven't been watching them so closely and are not sure about their numbers. Quite confusing, right! This is to clear the clutter on it.  Here are some interesting facts about Indian states and Union Territories with their capitals.  India, a union of states, is a sovereign, secular, democratic, republic with a parliamentary system of government. The President is the constitutional head of Executive of the Union. In the states, the Governor, as the representative of the President, is the head of Executive. The system of government in states closely resembles that of the Union. There are __ states and __ Union Territories in the country....