
Showing posts from February, 2020

Leap Day

Today is leap day. But why is it added and how the system works? WKT, Earth completes a rotation (spins in its own axis) not exactly in 24 hours. Its exactly takes 23 hrs 56 mins 4secs. 3 mins 56 secs to exact 24! So, we're actually borrowing this 3 mins 56 secs from the real next day of the Earth and using it.  Leap day is added every 4 years in the month of February as the 29th day of the month and 60th day of every leap year. So to find whether a year is leap or not, just testing the year for divisibility by 4 is enough. For example, considering the year 2020, when divided by 4 (2020/4=505), it leaves no reminder.  In a year, 365 days, so, 365*3 mins 56 secs will give the math of the total extra time we borrowed.  But in the actual scenario earth doesn't orbit (revolution) the sun in exactly 365 days. Considering all the math we've done and the reason, the real orbital time is less than 365 calendar days.  That is, we're thin...

The Breakup Letter

It's been made formal to disclose it publicly, otherwise it would have been formal! From,          The heartbroken soldier To ,          The Devil Subject: Confirmation of Resignation from the post of bodyguard-reg. Hateful Ma'am,                  I've been providing you with substantial cover from everything dangerous that could happen in any College environment. Somedays were beautiful to cherish many were full of problems and made my heart heavy. But still those loveable days give me nostalgia, brushing away the bad ones.  The phrase kills: "I hate you, Let's break up " The phrase gives frenzy: "I love you more than anyone else in this world" When I hear it now, I'm like, WTF! Loveable days didn't mean that I made love the convention way, hugging, kissing, making others uncomfortable. I tried hard to make it clear that it's beyond physical. But it t...

Understanding the Charge Capacity of Power Banks and Phone Batteries

A common misconception The unit milliampere-hour (mAh) is generally used to describe the capacity of a battery. One common misconception is that we can simply divide the capacity of a battery by the capacity of a smartphone/tablet to figure out how many cycles we can use this power bank to charge the smartphone/tablet. However, that is not the correct algorithm. Capacity and energy are different concepts Simply put, Ampere-Hour (mAh) is a measure of electric charge, which represents the capacity of a battery, while Watt Hour (Wh) is a measure of electric energy. Watt-Hour = Ampere-Hour x Voltage A battery of 10400mAh means this battery can provide a total charge of 10400mAh at a specific voltage. As to a Lithium-ion battery, most of its charge is exchanged at around 3.7V. Thus the total energy of a 10400mAh battery is theoretically 10400mAh x 3.7V = 38480mWh, which is approximately 38Wh. Estimate the charge cycles of a power bank Take power ...

Electromagnetic Spectrum in the simplest way

Electromagnetic waves  are one of the integral parts of our lives. But it's strange that we lack understanding about it. It's been said in the most understandable way here.  Prerequisite: Crest: The highest point in any wave. Trough: The lowest point in any wave. Wavelength: The distance between two consecutive crests or troughs.  We are familiar about VIBGYOR. White light consists of seven colors; they are Violet, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange and Red. VIBGYOR is an acronym to represent them.  Violet is the upper end and Red is the lower.  Starting from V to R the wavelengths go increasing.  And above the upper end there are waves called ' Ultraviolet '(named w.r.t frequency). Below the lower end there are waves called ' Infrared '(named w.r.t frequency). Now it's clear about the spectrum and how they are named.  And still above the UV are X-rays and Gamma Cosmic rays. They are known as ionizing radiatio...