
Showing posts from August, 2019

How many senses do humans have?

We know very well that humans have 5 senses. The human race is special. These species rule the world and set limits to all other existing organisms, be it belong to any of the 5 kingdoms. It's spreading beyond this planet! Yeah, you read it right. Have mars orbiter and moon landing missions in mind! Will you agree if you're told humans have a lot more than 5 senses? The commonly held human senses are as follows: Sight :  This technically is two senses given the two distinct types of receptors present, one for colour (cones) and one for brightness (rods). Taste :  This is sometimes argued to be five senses by itself due to the differing types of taste receptors (sweet, salty, sour, bitter, and umami), but generally is just referred to as one sense.  For those who don’t know, umami receptors detect the amino acid glutamate, which is a taste generally found in meat and some artificial flavouring.  The taste sense, unlike sight, i...

The Number of the Beast

Have you heard of Six Six Six? Which is considered as the number of the beast . In the year 2006, 6th June, in almost all Christian States (Christian Countries) women didn't want to deliver their babies on that very day. Weird! They were even ready either to take heavy doses of oxytocin to ensure early delivery of their offsprings or wanted to delay by taking Tocolytic medications. Because they believed that babies born on that particular day(6/6/6) would surely be a beast in the future. There would be a sigh of relief after the clock shows 6 hrs 6 mins and 6 secs AM & PM. Twice a day. There is nothing of that sort which could harm mankind. It's superstitious. Well, the Mystery behind 666 is decoded here. It's mentioned in the New Testament of the bible as it goes here: "And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. L...

History of all Religions

Do you know the age of the earth? It's roughly 450 crore years(4,500,000,000) The human race appeared just 50,000 years ago. Religions took birth only 5000 years ago. It's infinitesimal as compared to the inception of the earth. The spread of the religions of the world-Representational only, figures are subject to change. Buddha pointed out to human head when he was asked, "Where Religions came from?" Well, the concept of God came from human minds! He's worshipped as a lord, he, himself uttered that it's a human conception. Anyway, we're living a virtuous and righteous life only because religions made us do so.  Firstly, I would like everyone to remember that I'm not for or against any religion. Just after their inception the human race only knew that some things of nature threaten and harm them and some make 'em happy and let 'em live. They didn't have a...

Jaunt in KRP Dam Park

On 26 JUL 2019, some final year students of the Government Law College, Dharmapuri, Tamilnadu, India embarked on a trip to the KRP Dam. Arranging this trip was not so easy, it was done with difficulty. Thanks to the organiser Annai Sathya Akka(Akka(Tamil): Sister). When heard for the first time, I could do none other than to relate the name with "Annai Teresa" (Annai: Tamil: Mother). I've never met them before, neither they did. But it all just happened! Thanks for lending me your space. Engineering students, do it in the name of Industrial Vist(IV), most probably for the last three years of their college life, however, they are entitled to go on an Industrial Vist(IV) every year. Some batches take time to get along amongst themselves that they get to taste it only twice, in the last two years. It's not just necessary it's an essential thing. We were a group of 24+3, 24 regular students and 3 outlanders...