How many senses do humans have?

We know very well that humans have 5 senses. The human race is special. These species rule the world and set limits to all other existing organisms, be it belong to any of the 5 kingdoms. It's spreading beyond this planet! Yeah, you read it right. Have mars orbiter and moon landing missions in mind! Will you agree if you're told humans have a lot more than 5 senses? The commonly held human senses are as follows: Sight : This technically is two senses given the two distinct types of receptors present, one for colour (cones) and one for brightness (rods). Taste : This is sometimes argued to be five senses by itself due to the differing types of taste receptors (sweet, salty, sour, bitter, and umami), but generally is just referred to as one sense. For those who don’t know, umami receptors detect the amino acid glutamate, which is a taste generally found in meat and some artificial flavouring. The taste sense, unlike sight, i...