
Showing posts from August, 2021

Space Facts III

Read on.....and yes! Thanks for following...... According to the best estimate of astronomers, 275 Million new stars are born every single day. There are stars in the known universe that are cold enough to be touched by the human hand. 😅 The Tadpole galaxy is a nickname for Galaxy UGC10214. The spiral galaxy is unlike others because it has a distorted shape caused by an interloper; a very blue, compact galaxy. The intruding blue galaxy left a long tail of debris (stars/gas) stretched over 280,000 light-years. Jupiter is so enormous that Earth couldn't even reach the size of the Great Red Spot which is apparently about twice its size. Everything in the universe will return to its position it is in today in 10^10^10^10^2.08 years according to the Poincare-Recurrence theorem. Thank You... Cheers...

Harsh Pieces of Advice That You Need To Hear If You Want a Successful Life

Let it be clear that it's harsh.  If you do not get your financial affairs in order while you are young, you will pay for it the rest of your life. If you have debt, do not shirk your payments. Pay it off as soon as possible. Delay making big purchases. Wait until you have your affairs in order before you start upgrading your lifestyle. It’s okay to continue living like a student after you graduated from college. You’ll thank yourself later. People sweat the small stuff — do not be like them. Do you know how many times I see someone complain because a car cut them off or a person didn’t hold the door open for them? It’s as if they’re gobsmacked to think that there are some assholes or inconsiderate people that live out there in the world. This isn’t a revelation nor is it something that’s worth your time. Letting these insignificant things bother you to your core says more about you than them. Don’t be petty. Adjust your expectations. Put things into perspective. Move o...

Space Facts II

Glad that you're following the series... 😁 The closest star to the Sun has an Earth-sized planet orbiting in it's habitable zone. It rains metal and snows sulphuric acid on Venus. There is a hexagonal cloud pattern in Saturn's north pole. ​​A magnetar is a type of neutron star with an extremely powerful magnetic field. The Sun may be older than the Earth, but the water we drink is older than the Sun. When you stand up too fast and get dizzy, it's because gravity has caused blood to collect in your legs, depriving your brain of oxygen. Thanks.... Cheers....